Possible OTC get together in Toronto?


Kissy Goddess
Hey you guys... I'm curious - if we plan an OTC get together, how possible is it for you to go?


I'm in for Toronto. I'll just hitch the trailer up to the truck and nip up the English autoroute. Time allowing, of course.
Is this a sidebar to the original plans.. or have the original plans been discarded? I'm getting seriously confused here. The premise seems to be changing every few hours.
I dare say hawaii, Vortex, Fi, and the entire English crowd would find it fiscally/ time coordination improbable to pull off. The trouble is that most here are fairly young and poor and in school or have 6 kids. I don't think anything more than 5-6 can get it on the same page at once. Thats why I was the great traveller and just met everyone on an indiviual basis.
Could you hitch a ride with Unc, Ards?

I think it would be great!! As many of us as possible.. I'd definately go! Only for a couple days, got kids, ya know.. but ya!

Make a summer trek?
It's not so much the trek as the time away from home. Jan would have to take off work to look after the kids, or I could bring them all with me. :)
I've got a few extra beds and couches, and floor space, and parking space...
I'm about 30 min. away from the city

no, seriously, I'm just gonna be on the west coast around that time. :)