Post of the Year


New Member
OK, well I don't care about the whole OTC awards crappola, but I reckon a few members have made some rather memorable posts this year. So if you remember any that spring out at you, add them to the list.

(Now this could have gone in the virtual christmas present thread....after what better gift for Prof & Inky than giving them an excuse to troll about the old threads... ;))

Anyway, this was a good one - thanks to Spirit, posted in some thread where Tank Girl was bitching about Gonz giving her negative karma:

Spirit said:
For all of Gonz's tyranny - he's actually a mush and a sweetie with a lot of depth.
If there was a way to view all those posts I gave Karma to ,i could probably find more than one "post of the year",unfortunately I can't remember the best of the best without a prompt.
Yup...especially when he suggested that I include "You killed my father...prepare to die" as part of the official name (Including the little dots). :D
Man, I wish I could post something from the place where all them orgies take place....but what would be the point of a secret room then eh?
I was in Montreal for a long weekend and the other naked flesh I saw was my own and Rob's (and that was pretty sedate as we were trying not to alert the other house guests and the homeowners).
No, you were in laval. If you'd been sleeping on our side of the river, you'd have seen more naked flesh and your stomach could take.
This post prompted me to take a concerted gander
at my Karma list and look through the posts.

Dang I'm one hellava Guy!

There are posts I made that two people
gave me karma for! Multiples!!!

I'm am the King!
Inkara1 said:
By that criterion, then I would submit this post of mine as post of the year, since it got me karma from three -- count 'em -- three separate people.
What a bunch of girls. I've gotten four twice, three twice and two any number of times. I don't think any of those posts are worthy of consideration either, BTW. :lloyd: Ever get two from one post by the same person? It wasn't this year though.
I thought the system didn't allow someone to karmalize the same post twice.

I've had two posts get four karmas before... but they were in the "49965" thread so I didn't count that.