

100% Pure Canadian Beef
taking a conversation from teh shoutbox, and posting a receipe


fresh cut french fries, stins on, cut thick, deep fried in oil, they should be greasyish
put on plate
cover with cheese curds
pour a more then healthy amount of chicken gravy on top
let sit one minute to melt curds



take nitro for the heart pain

take zantacs

got to bed.

also you can use meat sauce instead of gravy for italian poutine, use feta instead of curds for greek poutine
*safety alert* do NOT attempt without having scheduled your bypass surgery FIRST
See, that much grease and heavy gravy ... doensn't sound like good drunk-food for me.

But I've had worse when drunk...*lol*
Cheesy chips with gravy? .......... no thanks, I can feel me arteries cloggin' up already :nerd:
They smelled good when I walked past New York Fries in the west Edmonton Mall.

How does one get cheese curds anyway? Is it a staple that you can buy at the store up there... bacause I've never seen such a thing down here.