Pray for my puppy

I really hope he'll be fine. I've lost several pets to disease, i know how you feel. Dont lose hope man. :sadhug:
I hope he'll be OK

:sadhug: for Prof and :hug: for the puppy (a smile to keep his spirits up, a dog sees you smile and will assuem all is well)
I'm sorry Prof, I sincerely hope your puppy's ok. What happened, did he/she stop eating or something? Do you have a pic?
Well, the surgury went well, there was no mass found anywhere, but the stomach, intestine and liver are swollen. She'll spend another night or so in care. We should have her back by the weekend.
GF she was 12 last sept. If she manages to keep her food down today, she should be home tomorrow.
Somehow I missed this thread. Hope she's home with you soon. I love my dogs, and I hate it when anything's wrong with one.
Today my pup got himself into a mess. My mom stopped by work to tell me he licked up some hydrogen peroxide (mom has a minor wound), coughed up white foam, and she freaked. Emergency trip to the vet that cost $70...
big hugs to me Trolley! ( she'll know when she reads the thread) :)

Hope yer lil' pup makes it Prof.........tis a right kick in the wotsits when yer can't help 'em :(