Pray for my puppy

Well, she's home, and getting better. Nice 2" scar up her belly, and $700 out of pocket, but she's acting better. And she's learning new tricks. Like bringing up a pill after several minutes.
Oz said:
big hugs to me Trolley! ( she'll know when she reads the thread) :)

Hope yer lil' pup makes it Prof.........tis a right kick in the wotsits when yer can't help 'em :(

Thanks for the hugs sweetheart - yer the best :kiss:

And for those of you who were wondering why I needed them - I had to have my dog put down last Monday because he had cancer & there was nothing the vet could do for him.

Prof, I hope your doggie goes from strength to strength and is around for many years to come :)
Well, I suppose updates are in order. As most know, she gave us another two years. Mum had her euthanised while we were in GA for the first BBQ. Saved the kids having to deal with it. This summer, V2.0 was bleating on and on about wanting a pup for her birthday. No, No, and No.... right? Well, that was the plan. We were all on board with it.

And then Grandma brings home .... another flammin Shih Tzu. Male, identical colouring to our last one. Happy Birthday. Daughter's dog ... right? NOT!!! It's a male, and naturally won't even consider a female as it's master. No problem, there's the two boys ... right? NOT. A solid hour of licking whenever I get home. I mean non stop. I'll usually sit on the floor in front of the couch to watch TV. He hops into my lap to start off, licking the nose and eye sockets, then flosses his teeth in my beard. Then he hops up on the couch behind me to get the ears and neck. Stands with his two paws on my shoulder to get the cheeks and jawline of each side, flossing included. Then attempts a wrap around to get back to my face from the rear. Then comes the gnawing my ears. Then out comes the toy to be thrown for a while. Then out for a walk ... and then, maybe, just a little more gnawing my knuckles.

I'm so enjoying getting up at 5am to take him for his walk.

you should know by now kids NEVER care for their own pets.

At last you won't need a new alarm clock.... :lol:
meh, you know you love it. (could have done with a manlier dog though)

This thing looks like a dustmop with feet. No legs, jsut feet.

Mum's loved the Shih Tzu since her first encounter with them. And, truth to be told, this dog was as much for her as for anyone. She'll never admit it, but all of our dogs have been her doing.

And we really couldn't have gone with a dog much bigger than this. We only have a sedan now, and with 2 car seats for the boys, there's jsut no room for a larger dog.

When it decides to lie down, it doesn't stop first and then lie down. It just Hindenburgs right into the ground. like it's feet stop, but the rest keeps going for a half second more. Lands with quite the *thud* to.
A solid hour of licking whenever I get home. I mean non stop. I'll usually sit on the floor in front of the couch to watch TV. He hops into my lap to start off, licking the nose and eye sockets, then flosses his teeth in my beard. Then he hops up on the couch behind me to get the ears and neck. Stands with his two paws on my shoulder to get the cheeks and jawline of each side, flossing included. Then attempts a wrap around to get back to my face from the rear.

Sounds like my cat last night. At least dogs have smooth tongues.
hahaha the dog sounds like a sweetie Prof! I miss my puppy...I think she's senile...she doesn't seem to know who I am when I go home. Sometimes she remembers I'm the giver of treats...but if I'm not by the treat cupboard she doesn't even bother with me anymore :mope: