Prayers for a sweet sick old friend of mine?!?!


His name is also Mark and he is very ill with Diabetes and pancreas disease. He just went in the hospital and he is afraid he may never make it back. I only know him from online and diabetic support chats but I believe him to be one of the most kind compassionate people I ever met. He has my prayers but every little bit helps. I had one internet friend die online and I didn't know for a long time (even though I'd met her before), and I don't want it to happen again.

I know it's a lot to ask but if you could say a quick prayer for a seet sick old man I'd sure appreciate it.
Sorry to hear that man, I'll add him to my prayers for you. Diabetes runs in my family, both of my father's parents had diabetes and he does now too. My cat was diabetic too, we lost her earlier this year. :(

I don't think it's showing anywhere outside Illinois much, but one movie called This Old Cub is a very inspirational movie about Ron Santo, one of the best 3rd basemen of all time, played his entire baseball career with diabetes, and is the only person ever to do that still today. The fact that he's still working for the Cubs in their broadcast booth as well as helping raise millions of dollars for diabetes resarch, even after losing both of his legs now, is a testament to how strong he is. How he's not in the Hall of Fame is a total shame.
My grandfather died from diabetes complications and alzheimers, i'd say a quick thought for your friend is no problem at all.