Prayers, good wishes, I'll take what I can get


Well-Known Member
I hate to bother on here, but I've got something major (at least for me) going on and I really need some good vibes and pep talks. My dog hasn't been eating well for a few days - but he was eating soft food. Then last night he began throwing up, and it continued on into today. He couldn't keep down food or water at all.
I rushed him to the emergency vet today - and it may not be good. His pancreas got inflammed somehow, and he now has diabetic ketoacidosis. If they can't get his blood sugar, lipase, and some other things in check, he will most likely die - or at least will not fully recover.
This dog has been my friend and companion for over 9 years. He went with me to college and has been there with me through men, heartaches, romances, bad times and good. Since I don't have kids - he is like my child. I love him more than anything and would do anything within my power to help him.
Please, I know it seems insignificant to some because he is just an animal, but I love him so much and can't imagine losing him - especially not now when my life is in such a crappy state on all fronts already. Please pray, or send good wishes, or something - I could use some good jokes even.
Thank you so much! :crying3:
and i'll post jokes:

Q: What do you get if you cross a sheepdog with a rose?
A: A collie-flower!
Q: What do you get if you cross a giraffe with a dog?
A: An animal that barks at low flying aircraft!
I've outlived a few dogs now, sexyboo, and it never gets easier. I hope he's okay. I'd like to send my good wishes as well. Please keep us posted. :hug:
Best wishes boo.

It's a real nightmare when our pets get sick........hope the lil' un recovers :)
I'll say a midnight prayer for him. Really, i will. I hope he gets better, i've had a few pets die... I know the feeling. Hang in there, little one.:sadhug:
Animals aren't insignificant, especially one that's been with you for as long as that one has. They become part of the family.
Thank you for the good thoughts - and for the jokes. :) I enjoyed reading those. I'm feeling a little bit better. We haven't heard anything from the vet - and according to him "no news is good news", so I'm hopeful. I will keep updating if anything does come up, but hopefully I can continue on with no news.
That's nice to hear (or to not hear).

Dogs are really amazing and they can really hold on. :)
I send you and your doggy my prayers and good wishes SexyBoo.

Surprizingly dogs are resilient creatures and can poull through a lot of things. It is hard though when your close companion is ill and the outlook is not great. Be strong SB. We are all here for you whatever happens.
I just wanted to give an update on my doggy. He was much better by this morning. They managed to get his blood sugar down from 500 to 200 by 7:00am. He was so happy to see my mother and I and was very responsive, which was great. After dishing out $1400 (whew that was rough), we took him to his regular vet. They will be treating him through the weekend and working on getting him more stabilized. Unfortunately, it does look like he may end up being diabetic for the rest of his life - but I'm just so happy that he will most likely have a life to live that I know I can deal. He seemed good this afternoon - but not too happy that I was leaving him.
Thank you again for the good wishes - it really helped me get through this. I'll let you know if anything else comes up - but it looks like he may be home by Monday or Tuesday. :D

Man, I'm exhausted, but happier!
SexyBoo said:
I just wanted to give an update on my doggy. He was much better by this morning. They managed to get his blood sugar down from 500 to 200 by 7:00am. He was so happy to see my mother and I and was very responsive, which was great. After dishing out $1400 (whew that was rough), we took him to his regular vet. They will be treating him through the weekend and working on getting him more stabilized. Unfortunately, it does look like he may end up being diabetic for the rest of his life - but I'm just so happy that he will most likely have a life to live that I know I can deal. He seemed good this afternoon - but not too happy that I was leaving him.
Thank you again for the good wishes - it really helped me get through this. I'll let you know if anything else comes up - but it looks like he may be home by Monday or Tuesday. :D

Man, I'm exhausted, but happier!

Prayers and good wishes for your pup, Boo. Sounds like he's going to be OK, hoping it's so. :cool:
SexyBoo said:
I just wanted to give an update on my doggy. He was much better by this morning. They managed to get his blood sugar down from 500 to 200 by 7:00am. He was so happy to see my mother and I and was very responsive, which was great. After dishing out $1400 (whew that was rough), we took him to his regular vet. They will be treating him through the weekend and working on getting him more stabilized. Unfortunately, it does look like he may end up being diabetic for the rest of his life - but I'm just so happy that he will most likely have a life to live that I know I can deal. He seemed good this afternoon - but not too happy that I was leaving him.
Thank you again for the good wishes - it really helped me get through this. I'll let you know if anything else comes up - but it looks like he may be home by Monday or Tuesday. :D

Man, I'm exhausted, but happier!

Excellent. Thanks for the update. :)