Prepare to gouge your eyes out


Southern Discomfort
"The Smart"

This POS looks like the Brave Little Toaster on wheels! I can't guarantee that my truck won't accidentally squish the first one I roll up behind at a traffic light in Knoxville. I say that because I'm right sure there ain't no country folk fuggin braindead enough to get one of these...things...and actually try to take it off the golf course.

Those (or cars like them) have been around for a long time. They aren't supposed to be pretty or fast. They're supposed to be economical and fit up and down streets designed for two horses to pass. Don't think I'd want one but then again, I already drive a car I don't particularly like because it gets 30 mpg. :shrug:
Country folk wouldn't want them because they're not meant for use in the country. You zip around town with one of those. You can't haul stuff or drive on dirt roads with one of those.

It would be nice if people bought cars according to need. I have a Dodge Neon. It was given to me, but if I were to need to buy another car, I'd probably get something in that class. It's the best all-around compromise for my needs... gets decent mileage, can haul people around, can carry some stuff in the back seat. I don't need a truck except for very rare occasions (and when I need one I can borrow my dad's) so there's no reason for me to buy a big truck and pay the gas mileage penalty. But if I lived out of town and needed to haul stuff around and needed the 4x4 ability, it would be more worthwhile to get a truck. By the same token, there are enough times that I need more space than a Smart provides that I wouldn't want to get one.
Thing is, with my back the way it is, ain't no way I can get inside some little wind-up rubberband car. Not to mention that every time I go across a speed bump, pothole, whatever I scoot my ass up off the seat cuz I'm just SURE it'll drag if I don't. My little Mazda pickemup truck is ideal. I can haul most things I need to haul, I can navigate a parking garage so long as I don't try to re-enact Too Fast Too Furious, it gets decent MPG and gets regular tuneups to keep it so, I can get in and out of it with minimal discomfort, and I don't feel like I'm riding a luge.
Thing is, with my back the way it is, ain't no way I can get inside some little wind-up rubberband car. Not to mention that every time I go across a speed bump, pothole, whatever I scoot my ass up off the seat cuz I'm just SURE it'll drag if I don't. My little Mazda pickemup truck is ideal. I can haul most things I need to haul, I can navigate a parking garage so long as I don't try to re-enact Too Fast Too Furious, it gets decent MPG and gets regular tuneups to keep it so, I can get in and out of it with minimal discomfort, and I don't feel like I'm riding a luge.

:grumpy: For the last time...its not a wind-up, rubberband car. It happens to use the efficiency of two-hamster drive. :p
Since my first car was a VW with a mere 48HP... I could probably get used to such a car... but it just isn't cool and sure as heck doesn't look like it would do any better in an accident than a motorcycle.

I wonder if there is a noticable dip in HP if you crank up the radio too loud. ;)
I don't think you'd have to worry about hitting anything too hard in one of these overblown golf carts. Now, an octogenarian on a moped might total it out if it were to slam into it.
Since my first car was a VW with a mere 48HP... I could probably get used to such a car... but it just isn't cool and sure as heck doesn't look like it would do any better in an accident than a motorcycle.

I wonder if there is a noticable dip in HP if you crank up the radio too loud. ;)

You forgot about laying one foot outside the door while going uphill...driving over gum/cigarette butts, etc...
I had a tooth chipped on my reverse gear, so I had to always leave myself pointing forward to be able to leave. I also had a dying starter at one point, so I also had to roll start it for a bit. I had worked up a pretty good system of being able to do it in less than 15 feet.
You forgot about laying one foot outside the door while going uphill...driving over gum/cigarette butts, etc...

No, that was the 25 and 30 horse ones (mid to late 50s). The 48 horse ones were hot rods. I had a 30 horse one once. Actually got a speeding ticket in it. ;) It was the Microbus you had to go up hills backwards in.
Hey unc, I saw a 36 horse at a VW show once that was equipped with a recoil starter.
You guys are only getting them now? We've had them for years. Don't underestimate them too much. That little three cyl turbo diesel cranks out more than enough ponies to get that ultralight chassis moving, and the tires are actually pushed out past the bumpers, giving it the absolute best wheelbase and handling possible for a car that size. And you can buy extra body panels in different colours and swap them out when you get tired of the colour.
I'd love to. Unfortunately it's a little tough trying to shoe horn a family of five, plus canine into one. And somehow I think that strapping a 2500lbs camper to the back of one might just defeat the purpose of having poly fenders.

I'm still looking for the reference, but I did see somewhere that someone had built a 4wd version, probably using ATV parts. Gotta be out there somewhere.
My boss has the convertible (for summer & city driving) he drove me in it once, I am not short, but I fit, and the thing has spunk.

He has big ol' chevy pick-up for winter though.
I had a tooth chipped on my reverse gear, so I had to always leave myself pointing forward to be able to leave. I also had a dying starter at one point, so I also had to roll start it for a bit. I had worked up a pretty good system of being able to do it in less than 15 feet.

well something was REALLY wrong with my 1978 buick opel. i had to turn the key to the "on" position, open the hood, and stick a screwdriver into the solenoid thingy, there would be some electical sparks, and the thing would start.

what was really cool was doing it a night, screwdriver in one hand, holding the hood up with the other, flashlight in mouth.