Prisoner of Azkaban


New Member
There were school robes, but they didn't wear them as much, which apparently made the girl playing Hermione happy, as she says they make her itch. Didn't wear them into Hogsmeade.

And they weren't allowed into the Leaky Cauldron--Harry got in only because he was wearing his invisibility cloak. That I thought was ridiculous and totally against the book.

No, Richard Harris played Arthur in Camelot, but never Gandalf--that was Ian McKellan.

And I'm sorry Pants didn't enjoy the LOTR films--I have loved the books for forty years, and adore the movies as well. But then, I also like the Bakshi LOTR, as incomplete as it is, but like Prisoner of Azkaban it just skims the surface. Can't stand the Rankin-Bass efforts,though, particularly their version of ROTK. How something that follows the books so well (as far as the ordeal of Frodo and Sam, at least--they all but ignored Aragorn and didn't even show Gimli) can fall so flat just has me totally lost.


New Member
No, Sport--not mistaken. Everyone has his or her own opinion. Some folk just love it. I just want more story and less highlights. Didn't go to see just the highlights.