Problems Problems

Sorry cat but we've been having similar problems since I was a kid (and probably long before that). Remember legionnaires disease? AIDS started over two decades ago. Christ when I was in my twenties we had people poisoning bottles of Tylenol. Remember "post-traumatic stress disorder?" When I was a kid a lot of vets had it but everyone called it "shell-shock." I don't really think the incidence has increased so much as it's gotten shoved in your face more. I will say this though. The politics of fear has gotten a lot more prevalent over the last ten years or so. There's not more to be afraid of, but there is a much higher percentage of "authority figures" telling you that you should be afraid. It's a way to keep the sheeple in line. If you say it enough it becomes the reality. Don't let yourself fall victim to it, you're to good a person for that.

For the vast majority of people, ethics are strictly situational.
Here's an example:
Is it okay to kill someone? Depends on the circumstances, doesn't it? Don't the ten commandments say "Thou shalt not kill?" I can't remember any "depending on the circumstances" part but virtually everyone who accepts the ten commandments interprets it this way. I'll bet my criteria for killing someone are similar to yours but I'll also bet that they're not exactly the same. I consider myself ethical and from what I know of you I think you are too. Which one of us isn't really? I don't think there's a correct answer to that question.
Re greed, it's a survival trait. It's not necessarily needed right now to survive but I very much suspect that one day it will be again.

Umm...A couple of things. The original Hebrew text said "murder", not kill. Through time, and laziness, it transformed into 'kill'. Most of this came about during the reformation, but I digress...

Circumstances are the key to all behavior. Even soley perceived circumstances. Doesn't matter your upbringing, your training, or your convictions. Under the proper circumstances we could all be rapists, murderers, or thieves. :shrug: There, but for the grace of God, go I...
Umm...A couple of things. The original Hebrew text said "murder", not kill. Through time, and laziness, it transformed into 'kill'. Most of this came about during the reformation, but I digress...

Circumstances are the key to all behavior. Even soley perceived circumstances. Doesn't matter your upbringing, your training, or your convictions. Under the proper circumstances we could all be rapists, murderers, or thieves. :shrug: There, but for the grace of God, go I...

...and we all know what I think about reformation. ;)

I disagree about the second part though. I don't think that most of us would do those things under any circumstances but then again, your definition of murder, thievery or even rape may differ from mine, so who's to say.
My #1 issue is skyrocketing energy costs. 10 years ago my utilities wern't half of what they are now.

I hear ya man. I'm gonna havta quit folding soon..looks like.:hmm:

We have had some pretty low bills these last couple of months, due to weather
and strenuous conservation, but the cold is a comin', and I fully expect to see
those 400+ power bills soon.
Look at the electronics laying about your places. I bet you didn't have them 10 years ago. (remember to unplug re-chargers, they run whether you have them working or not).

While we're at it....WTF is with turkey prices this year? Usually, by this time, the stores are giving them away if you buy the rest of the products for your meal there. This year, the cheapest is $.87/lb. Hell, one 22 pounder was forty bucks, before the fifteen dollar discount (if you spoend at least $10.)
Look at the electronics laying about your places. I bet you didn't have them 10 years ago. (remember to unplug re-chargers, they run whether you have them working or not).

While we're at it....WTF is with turkey prices this year? Usually, by this time, the stores are giving them away if you buy the rest of the products for your meal there. This year, the cheapest is $.87/lb. Hell, one 22 pounder was forty bucks, before the fifteen dollar discount (if you spoend at least $10.)

Turkeys eat corn?

Inflation is your friend. You get to eat a $20 meal almost daily anymore. You used to have to go somewhere special to do that. Meanwhile, the economy is fine, thankyouverymuch. :lol:
Turkeys do eat corn but I don't think it's a "main meal".

Since we actually cook at home (and I do mean cook-few of the pre-packaged helpers) we can still eat relatively cheap (2 adults & a kid). Of course, I do get pissed at $6.99/lb t-bones-not even prime ferchrissake.
Look at the electronics laying about your places. I bet you didn't have them 10 years ago. (remember to unplug re-chargers, they run whether you have them working or not).

While we're at it....WTF is with turkey prices this year? Usually, by this time, the stores are giving them away if you buy the rest of the products for your meal there. This year, the cheapest is $.87/lb. Hell, one 22 pounder was forty bucks, before the fifteen dollar discount (if you spoend at least $10.)

Actually, I'm running less insofar as total KWh are concerned. I've replaced most lighting with compact flourescents and all new appliances are energy efficient. I also kicked the bum out of my basement... he was quite the power consumer. I manage the heating and cooling more efficiently as well. I certainly can do better, but the sheer underlying cost of services has gone haywire.
I didn't know you owned that same house 10 years ago. I always thought you bought it in 1999 or 2000... I'd gotten the impression you hadn't lived there that long when you signed up at JJR's.
Turkeys eat corn?

Inflation is your friend. You get to eat a $20 meal almost daily anymore. You used to have to go somewhere special to do that. Meanwhile, the economy is fine, thankyouverymuch. :lol:

$20 . . .Oh I wish... my kids will devour anything that come in the door in just a few days.

12-13 days ago, The wife spent $xxxx getting ready for the holidays ...and just said last night that much of what she bought is already gone
$20 . . .Oh I wish... my kids will devour anything that come in the door in just a few days.

12-13 days ago, The wife spent $xxxx getting ready for the holidays ...and just said last night that much of what she bought is already gone

Well, fortunately mine is grown. The Air Force feeds him right now.

I'll bet it still ain't cheap though.
I didn't know you owned that same house 10 years ago. I always thought you bought it in 1999 or 2000... I'd gotten the impression you hadn't lived there that long when you signed up at JJR's.
I've been here for 8 years... but its immaterial as I have based my price as the literal KWh price... plus the junk fees, not total usage.
I've replaced most lighting with compact flourescents and all new appliances are energy efficient.

Ya know, so did we...for the most part. CFE's & reading the little yellow sticker has done notihng to lower my energy costs. :hmm:
Over here, we have a three-tier electric pricing system. Each house is assigned a baseline amount of usage, which is billed at one amount per kWh. Then, I forget how big the second tier is, but that's billed at a higher amount... I think it's every kWh between 100 and 130 percent of baseline. Then every kWh above 130 (or whatever it is) percent is billed at an even higher rate.
Going to CFE's dropped my energy use a good 20%.

Same here. Maybe Gonz was more diligent about turning out the lights when he left a room than we were? Note that the dimmer in the bedroom doesn't work with them though.
Yep, lights were off if we weren't in the room. Both computers & a couple of TVs run almost non stop though.
It was very noticable for me because... well lets take my kitchen as example:

The thing has 11 lights that used to run 120 watt large spotlight bulbs. They were replaced with 27 watt CFE's. That trimmed the power use from a brutal 1320 watts down to 297. When you switch out the primary living room lights and reading lights... then the outright consumption for lights alone dropped a rough 70% (giving back a few points because the bathroom vanity lights haven't been converted yet. They just haven't made them that small yet...that I've found)
For switching to CFLs, I've been on the fence... don't want to pull out bulbs that still work, but want to save energy... so I replaced the bulbs that are on the most. That's the torchiere fixture in the living room, the outside light by the front door, and the two bulbs in the fixture in the computer room. When Lori moved in, I changed the two bulbs in the bedroom also, figuring the light would be in in there more. I'm thinking I'll change the ones in the bathroom (I found some CFL globes, on clearance even) because Lori has a tendency to leave the bathroom light on and go to work.