Professional litigants


Well-Known Member
Jarek Molski... crusader for the disabled? Or major-league asshole looking to exploit a law to profit off small businesses?

Exhibit A
Exhibit B

This guy is claiming he was hurt, humiliated or otherwise inconvenienced at various local restaurants. So he's suing them. Two in Morro Bay have closed, leaving 75 people unemployed. Now, technically, he has a case under the letter of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990... but many of the businesses he's suing have been patronized by many local disabled people for years with no problems until this guy--from Woodland Hills, nowhere near here--came here and added these to the between 200 and 500 suits he's filed statewide. Most of these businesses have to settle, for many thousands of dollars on top of the cost of legal fees, and the cost of making the changes to the building.
This man is living proof that you don't need a leg to stand on to tell the world...


Its fuckin' despicable...and one big reason why I am SOOOOOO glad that we don't allow this type of litigation up here.
Actually, it's not entirely his fault. If the gov't hadn't passed the incredibly badly written ADA, he wouldn't be able to pull this shit. As it is, if it wasn't this asshole, it'd be some other asshole.
Another fine example of "We Reserve Right to Refuse Service to Anyone" has lost it's teeth becaue of a few feel good legislative hounds.
Maybe the judge will block this gentleman from making any more lawsuits, it's happened before (I think)
MrBishop said:
This man is living proof that you don't need a leg to stand on to tell the world...


Its fuckin' despicable...and one big reason why I am SOOOOOO glad that we don't allow this type of litigation up here.

Of course, if he'd been looking for a changing table ....
Professur said:
Of course, if he'd been looking for a changing table ....

...and he was in Canada, he'd have to go through the red-tape asking for a change in the process.

As it is, he's in the USA and he's suing over 250 restaurants and stores and likely to make millions out of it and also probably doesn't give a fuck about equal access.

You know...maybe I should travel the USA with my son and start suing restaurants which don't have change-tables in them... I could make a mint and finally be able to help pay for this place.

Hey fury!! Does OTC have wheelchair access? I don't see any wheelchair ramps onto the internet!! The internet is discriminating against the dissabled!! How can you expect physically dissabled people to get online??!?
Hell, why isn't this site blind-friendly?!? Where's OTC-lite with the Phonics text and spelling for those who are hooked on phonics?

Goddamnit!!! I should SUE THE INTERNET!!!!

Just gimme a few months to become an American citizen and I'll get right on it
MrBishop said:
Just gimme a few months to become an American citizen and I'll get right on it

Why bother? Illegal immigrants are sueing nowadays. You don't have to live there to sue there.
thats total bullshit. They should be here legally. living here leagally before they can sue.

This guy makes me sad that people will pull this kind of shit just because they can. Why should people pay tax dollars so he can sue? and here people can sue for the dumbest fucking reasons
First of all, he isn't being paid tax dollars. Read the articles. He's being paid from the blood, sweat, and tears of small business owners. Small business owners who for years have run thier establishments the same way and are suddenly told it's time for a complete remodel, whether they like it or not. Although I agree that all public buildings should have access for all, a business should be able to make their entrance a 50ft ladder if they want.
PuterTutor said:
First of all, he isn't being paid tax dollars. Read the articles. He's being paid from the blood, sweat, and tears of small business owners.
The tax dollars are being paid out to the Judge and legal aids that run the courts where all these trials are being conducted. Also to any publically appointed attourneys.

In either case, it's a huge waste of time and money to an already overlogged legal system.
We pay twice. We pay taxes for the court procedings, and we pay the business's legal and judgement costs in the form of higher prices.

Are we ready for tort reform yet, folks?
There are other assholes doing this, too. This guy is different than the lawyer who rounded up a few plantiffs to sue a bunch of businesses in Fresno. There's also a guy in Northern California whose name I don't recall who's filed something close to 1,000 lawsuits. I only bring up Molski because he's doing the suing locally to me.
PuterTutor said:
First of all, he isn't being paid tax dollars. Read the articles. He's being paid from the blood, sweat, and tears of small business owners. Small business owners who for years have run thier establishments the same way and are suddenly told it's time for a complete remodel, whether they like it or not. Although I agree that all public buildings should have access for all, a business should be able to make their entrance a 50ft ladder if they want.

Bish got it before I could but our tax dollars pay the court costs and such. so his attorney unless he paid for it is paid by taxes. as is Judge and all other characters in the court.
I would hope he's at least paying his own attorney fees, or at least the businesses he's suing is. As well as the court costs are usually levied to the losing party. It may be tax money paying them up front, but it is being collected, just from the wrong people.
freako104 said:
Bish got it before I could but our tax dollars pay the court costs and such. so his attorney unless he paid for it is paid by taxes. as is Judge and all other characters in the court.
In almost every lawsuit, the loser has to pay attorney and court costs. That really inflates the cost of a $150,000 judgment.