Professor on Paid Leave for 9-11 Theory

If the teacher (he can't be called professor if he's voluntarily using substandard data) is preaching his theories in class, as fact, then he ought to be dismissed. If he's just a kook, tell him to STFU.

Modern day liberalism runs universities. That should be the student body, not the heirarchy.
If the teacher (he can't be called professor if he's voluntarily using substandard data) is preaching his theories in class, as fact, then he ought to be dismissed. If he's just a kook, tell him to STFU.

Article says "Two weeks ago he published his theory in a paper called "Why Indeed did the World Trade Center Buildings Collapse?" In it, the professor says the towers fell not because of planes hitting them but rather pre-positioned demolition charges." which seems like it prompted this action.

Publishing a paper with your theories should not be grounds for action like this.

So, if someone was preaching a theory that the government had no involvement or complicity as fact they should be dismissed too?
I thought the standard here was that if a public university professor tries this, he should be canned, but private institutions were allowed more leeway because they're not tax users. So why the difference? Did BYU suddenly start taking tax dollars that I didn't know about?
....the towers fell not because of planes hitting them but rather pre-positioned demolition charges.

Yeah, it sure looks like it could be the results of a "controlled demolition." :rolleyes:

Something has happened here but you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?


Yeah, it sure looks like it could be the results of a "controlled demolition." :rolleyes:

Something has happened here but you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?

Just as an interesting aside, I wonder what Bob Dylan believes about 9/11 or if he even thinks about it. OTOH, while I don't for a moment believe elements of our government wouldn't do something like this, I don't think they did.

"Ya better start swimming or you sink like a stone..."
Back in the '80's at a Grateful Dead concert in Minneapolis Dylan was the opening act, and I couldn't wait for the real show to begin.

These days he's hiding in the shadows of his commercials for his new album 'cos he looks 'rode hard and put up wet.'

I imagine if he had a comment he'd probably say:

"Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl,
Two riders were approaching, and the wind began to howl." ;)

The Dead does Dylan--as only the Dead can.


Have a listen here:
