Prof's to do list.

Unc gave me that site a couple of years back. So that I could make sure that the beer I took south wasn't gonne swell him up like a blowfish. I'd lost the link. Thanks.

*wanders off humming "a-hunting we will go"*
As a matter of fact, there's one chilling in the fridge as I type.

Along with a Fat Pig.

Unc, I was over at the local, and they've quite the selection of Unibroue. And Cheval Blanc brews. If you see anything that catches your eye, lemme know. I was just sorely tempted by a few "winter beers". I don't want to pick them up too early and risk having them skunk in transit.
Professur said:
As a matter of fact, there's one chilling in the fridge as I type.

Well, it's not in the fridge anymore. It's in a glass, right beside me. I've really got to replace my good tulip glass.

It's completely dark. A 100w bulb doesn't show through at all. Smells .... almost earthy. Taste ... oh wow. That's nice. If Guiness ever made an ice beer, this would still leave it in second place. Clean.

I've got it just a hair too cold, I can tell. I'd thought it needed top shelf, but there was space lower, so I'd stuck it there. My first instinct was dead on.

Oh yeah. There it's starting to come back. Real nice.

I'll have to watch this stuff. I could easily get hammered on it, and not even give a damn. Goes down easier than water.
Bad news, Unc. I'll be able to bring you some ..... but you're gonna have to fight the missus for it. Yup, sitting in the darkened living room with my glass on the end table in the corner between by couch and the missus's arm chair, I was starting to think that this beer was too good. It was going down way faster than I though I was drinking it. Until I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye, and caught her sneaking sips.

Now if my wine-cooler-drinking wife enjoys it, we're all in trouble. She slowed down when she realized that this wasn't any 4.3% light beer. There's no associated taste, but this sucker is still a 6.2% strong beer.
Well, I cracked the Pig open. Phew, I hope you all appreciate what I do to get you a label. I sure won't be bringing any of this industrial waste with me ... unless I need it as a cleanser.