Prom is tomorrow


New Member
Yeah, senior prom is tomorrow. Everything is all set up and ready for the day. I'm getting my hair, makeup, and nails done, along with a pedicure. Why not spoil myself?

Anyone have advice and/or prom stories?
FluerVanderloo said:
Yeah, senior prom is tomorrow. Everything is all set up and ready for the day. I'm getting my hair, makeup, and nails done, along with a pedicure. Why not spoil myself?

Anyone have advice and/or prom stories?

My prom was ok. Everyone was still in clicks which sucked, but I had a party at my place after. All nighter, people getting wasted, lots of fun!
Prom was fun, for what it was ... the food sucked, the music was so-so, but it was cool to see everyone dressed up, except that someone had the same dress as me so we stayed on opposite ends of the room that whole night :D

the party afterward, though, was kickass :beerbang:
Ours was on a ex was an ass...the only good part of the night was that I got wasted with a very good friend afterwards...(our bfs were there too but the night was all about us girls and what we wanted) and I also made up with my bestest highschool friend in the bathroom...we hadn't talked for weeks...but we were at the same table cause we'd put the seating in before...she spilled something on her dress and I went with her to clean up :)
Inkara1 said:
Oh, ok... you made UP with her in the bathroom... had me wondering for a second!

Yes, made UP. Even if we had wanted to (which we DIDN'T) it was a BOAT the bathroom was SO not big enough for that. There was on itty bitty stall, like a one foot wide space and then an itty bitty sink...was a squeeze for the two of us to get in there.
me and a few freidns off inthe ocorner of the dock (party was on a boat) smoking a joint, treacher walked up and started smoking with us
I went to quite a few proms. It was fun dressing up and getting the nails and hair done and everything. The dances were ok, the after prom at the school was sorta lame, but I have a whole lot of memories. I am glad that I went although I missed my senior prom.

If you go to breakfast after the prom, stay as far away as you can from drunk idiots. We went to Denny's my sophmore year after the prom and some asshat redneck drunks were at a booth near by making rude comments and gestures so the 10 or so of us ignroed him. This made the asshats even more stupid and they started throwing silverwear at us. I got up from the table with a spoon, marched over to the table and said "I think you've lost something" and smelly redneck asshat number one said "can I see your tits?" I threw the spoon at his nose and he started bleeding and cursing. The manager came out and luckily had seen the whole thing and kicked the asshats out. An older couple at another booth saw the whole thing and wanted to wish us well on prom night and payed for our entire meal. My friend's date was broke and didn't eat anything while she payed for her own meal (she was pissed and didn't offer him anything) so he was even more pissed that he didn't order anything.

Never went to any of em....

so my advice is don't do what I did....or do what I did...wait, im confused.

Was I suppose to be cynical or supportive.....fuck, I forgot.
The girlfriend at the time of my prom was acting up, so I just got smashed without her ;)

Haha IC, you crazy rolling stone ;)
Our's was an absolute blast - had all my best friends with me, we're still friends to this day, (not that that has any bearing on anything whatsoever). I had the hair etc done, wore a burgundy gown & went with the sweetest guy ever - I only managed to reach to his shoulders though, he's a 6'7" giant - all the photos look slightly off centre because of that. The function was at a 5 star hotel, food was brilliant, room beautiful, music great and we danced until about 1AM before going to a friend's place for he after party, where we partied til the sun came up & had a champagne breakfast.
I guess you're getting all nervous and starting to get ready now...I hope you have a blast!!!
AlphaTroll said:
Our's was an absolute blast - had all my best friends with me, we're still friends to this day, (not that that has any bearing on anything whatsoever). I had the hair etc done, wore a burgundy gown & went with the sweetest guy ever - I only managed to reach to his shoulders though, he's a 6'7" giant - all the photos look slightly off centre because of that. The function was at a 5 star hotel, food was brilliant, room beautiful, music great and we danced until about 1AM before going to a friend's place for he after party, where we partied til the sun came up & had a champagne breakfast.

I love them tall boys. I dated a guy once who is 6'9. I am 5'8 so I was really happy that I got to wear all my fun heels and still be shorter.
When I was 16, this gorgeous guy who was a grade ahead of me asked me to his junior prom. He asked me only a week beforehand! He found out his gf was cheating on him and broke up with her, then immediately asked me. Apparently, he had liked me for a while (his best friend was going out with my best friend).

I was so concerned about the limo, my dress, my hair, my nails that I forgot I had never slow danced before. When "Teacher" came on by George Michael, he pulled me to the dance floor and I totally held my arms wrong. I should have put them around his neck but I think I held him under the arms or something. Ugh how embarrassing. That was officially our first date, and he was my first serious boyfriend.

For my junior and senior proms, they were cool but just not as exciting. After junior we went to the beach and after senior we went to South Street Seaport in the city and took a boat cruise.

Fleur, you need to tell us all the details, where it was, pictures if you have them. Hope you had a great time!
Alrighty, here it is. It's hard to type with these nails!

Got up at 9 and made my way to get my nails done. I got a full set with a design that matched my dress. Then we went over to a spa, where I got my hair, makeup, and pedicure. I wanted a French twist but she said that my hair was too long, so she put her own little spin on it and curled the ends. It looked really good. My makeup looked incredible, considering I never wear it. And the pedicure was my first, and it was amazing. She even matched the design on my fingernails.

As soon as I got home I had to get in my dress and head over to my friend's house. The last couple (there were 10 of us) didn't get there until 5:30, and of course all the parents were there with ten zillion cameras. So we finally got out of there, and our limo driver started racing a pickup on 95. Then he went to the wrong hotel, and we got worried because it looked like one of the places that rented rooms by the hour. So we finally got to the right place (BWI Marriott), got pictures and voted before heading in. The music, in general, blew. They played nothing we requested, but insisted on that ridiculous rap stuff. Some of it was fine, and for the most part my friend and I got out there and made the best of it. But some of it was simply horrendous.

The after prom was at a bowling alley, and it was pretty boring. One of those parents everywhere type of things. We left an hour and a half early, came home and watched movies. And that was my prom. I didn't expect to have that good of a time, so I wasn't really disappointed. High school just isn't my thing.
Here are a few of my mom's pre-prom pictures. Mine are being developed.


Kate, Me, Heather, Mike, Kelly, Chad, Jess, Derek, Stephanie, Nick

Kelly, Kate, Me, Heather, Jess

Me, Kate, and Heather's footwear for the evening

Just me

Me again...yeah, my mom was a little camera happy

Me, Kate, Heather
As long as you had fun, that's what's important. You looked great!

by the way, you'll get used to the nails unless you're planning on taking them off soon. Mine are quite long and I manage to type all day long at work.