Proof that PETA is a Democrat Political entity under Obama's control


Well-Known Member
As if tackling the global financial markets and reviving hopes for peace in the Middle East were not enough, Barack Obama yesterday demonstrated a new skill – fly swatting.

In a video that has become an instant online hit, the US president breaks off from an interview with CNBC to deal with a persistent fly.

He waits for the offending insect to settle on his left hand, raises his right and then swats it to gasps of admiration from onlookers.

"Nice!" declares the presenter. "Now, where were we?" Obama asks, without missing a beat.

But he couldn't resist a quick gloat. "That was pretty impressive, wasn't it?" he asks as the fly lies lifeless on the floor. "I got the sucker."


leading to

Can anyone reassure me as to the health of Peta president Ingrid Newkirk? Lost in Showbiz is moved to voice concern after the video of Barack Obama killing a fly has yet to draw a Peta press release comparing it with the Holocaust - a full 24 hours after the incident.

Traditionally, it only takes about 12 seconds between a person of note engaging unfavourably with the animal kingdom and Ingrid issuing some ineffably witless communique in which madam likens their actions to genocide.

But there's been absolutely nothing related to this fly-swatting incident that is dominating the news agenda in an otherwise quiet week. What the hell's going on?

Perhaps the Peta president is preparing one of her nuanced demonstrations; perhaps she is trapped under something heavy. But the leader of the free world has fly-blood on his hands, and this silence smacks so much of complicity that it really will not do at all. Speak for England, Ingrid!

NOTE: Old hands will recall it is the policy of Lost in Showbiz to always force feed letters from animal rights activists* to actual animals, so unless you want our handbag dogs to be hacking up paperballs all afternoon, work out whether you want to be part of the problem or part of the solution.

* or blog printouts of the same


then to

Animal rights outfit PETA has finally pronounced on the matter of Barack Obama's shock fly-swat, following considerable press pressure for clarification if the savage act of executive violence merited comparison with the Armenian Genocide.

Well, the result disappointingly lacks an international poster campaign featuring a naked Alicia Silverstone sprawled under the slogan "Hands off my flies, Mr President". PETA's Alisa Mullins simply says of El Prez: "He isn't the Buddha, he's a human being, and human beings have a long way to go before they think before they act."

To help Obama attain spiritual enlightenment, Mullins adds that she's sending him a "handy-dandy bug catcher", the better to tackle "future insect incidents". ®


If it had been Bush, they'd be looking for blood.
It's PETA, and not PETI, right?
I'm not that surprised that they didn't go bug-shit on him - what I am surprised is that it actually got air-time. I heard about it on the way home yesterday. FlyGate! :slapforehead:
If it had been Bush, they'd be looking for blood.

I agree, but the title of this is just silly! But I am sure you are right they will go much easier on a pres they like than one they don't. Personally I believe animals should be treated better but these people are out of their tree! There are things that we need to test on animals. It shouldn't happen as much as it does though, and there is reasonable protest and lobbying and then there are the freaks in PETA who do more harm to their cause than good I think.

My compassion for animals though, definitely stops short at bugs! I'm just impressed he got it on the first try. Good reflexes!
RJ, of course it's silly. But no more silly that the rest of the trash in this forum, and about as accurate.
I'm just impressed he got it on the first try. Good reflexes!


B.H.O.: The Human Flyswatter. The Lord of the Flies.


The rest of the World is laughing at us.

PETA has a few words for President Obama: Brush, don’t kill.

After the President very publically swatted and then killed a fly during an interview with CNBC yesterday, the outspoken animal rights group PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) said they wished Obama had served a better example.

“We support compassion for the even the smallest animals," says Bruce Friedrich, VP for Policy at PETA. “We support giving insects the benefit of the doubt."

Friedrich says PETA supports "brushing flies away rather than killing them" and was disappointed that the President had gone ahead and squashed the pesky fly.

This afternoon PETA sent a Katcha Bug, a device which traps bugs and allows their safe release back into nature to the White House.


"I'm not even going to swat that fly. I hope they are watching. They'll see, they'll know, and they'll say, 'Why, she wouldn't even harm a fly'".
The rest of the World is laughing at us.

The world used to laugh at us under the last administration. I'm not sure why Obama's fast reflexes would cause them to laugh. Got any explanation for that remark or was it just more wishful thinking presented as fact?