

New Member
so it seems that one day i may have need of i always thought i'd use tonksy...but it was brought to my attention that a certain english woman may now actually own the legal rights to my name....*grumbles need an alias....and i thought....what an amusing thread this would make....:) give it your best shot...something with a slight musical reference would be lovely....i suppose i could just pick 2 random names and throw them together...but where's the fun in that? maybe the winner will get a certificate of coolness or something...or it could be just an amusing thread...up to you.
Professur said:
you's funny...i became a tonks because there was a tink already when i started a new school...(both from tinkerbell) she was older...never thought to use it again....
that doesn't damn jk rowling!!!!
can someone own a name? i mean...not like it's a big deal right?
Professur said:
No, they can't. But they can trademark it. That means that you can't make any money from using it.
but....what about tonksy in conjucntion with a last name? her characters last name is tonks...but goes by i splitting legal hairs here?
Well so much for making the video "Tonks Gets Crazy on Bourbon Street" and having snoop dog sell it on late night TV.
Thulsa Doom said:
me and the 12 other guys with hand helds who could manage to fit into that bathroom stall with you. :D what you dont remember?
all the good parts, apparently? was it good for me?