
yeah... I thought of that too... but I like the multiple meanings of the word: to leave a trace, to trace an image, to trace the contours of a face...

I'll keep thinking on it, though. :winkkiss:
you know what? piss on it...if she ever hears my name and gets upset let her sue...greedy is what that would be...i was around first anyway.
I've always been a fan of the name Evangina Floppylips meself....... Mebbe I should keep that a private fantasy tho'...

I can't see their being a problem in changing yer name to tonks tho'.....lotsa folks have change their name to literary characters (the most famous being two members of T-Rex who changed their names to Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrine Took).

Copyright will prolly only become a problem if yer use the word Tonks to make unless yer become a public commodity, it should be spangly :)
Oz said:
I've always been a fan of the name Evangina Floppylips meself....... Mebbe I should keep that a private fantasy tho'...

I can't see their being a problem in changing yer name to tonks tho'.....lotsa folks have change their name to literary characters (the most famous being two members of T-Rex who changed their names to Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrine Took).

Copyright will prolly only become a problem if yer use the word Tonks to make unless yer become a public commodity, it should be spangly :)
i don't want to change my name.....i just want to "publish" anything i do under a maybe tonksy isn't such a hot idea as that's the name i generally go by...
back to the drawin' board
unclehobart said:
Shall I just start calling you Michelle from now on?
too generic.....but better than what i was burdened with. :)
i'm sure i'll just think of something at the exact time i submit anything...let's see it'll be.....a combination of the street i live on and my closest friends favorite color....that sounds like a plan...i don't need to think about this anymore. :D
Gato_Solo said:
How about Domestic Goddess. ;)
thanks sweetie but it reminds me of roseanne barr...i've decided to stick with tonksy...way i figure it is if i ever get good enough at what i do to where it's an issue then.....whatever...i'll deal with it then...:D thanks you everyone for your input though.
That wouldn't be The Secret of NIMH would it? ... if so... its shouldn't be an issue. I've not seen the Y variant used before.
unclehobart said:
That wouldn't be The Secret of NIMH would it? ... if so... its shouldn't be an issue. I've not seen the Y variant used before.
yes, that's what i mean.