Psychologists Group Backs Gay Marriage


Well-Known Member
HONOLULU - The nation's largest association of psychologists is backing same-sex marriage. The American Psychological Association's Council of Representatives made its support official Wednesday, the first day of the group's annual convention in Waikiki. The council also expressed opposition to discrimination against lesbian and gay parents.
It also found same-sex and heterosexual couples remarkably similar, and parenting effectiveness and children's psychological well-being unrelated to parental sexual orientation. The positions, drawn up by the APA Working Group on Same-Sex Families and Relationships, are meant to guide psychologists in the public debate over civil marriage for same-sex couples.
"In the context of the huge social and political debate that is currently going on, APA and psychologists had to grapple with the issue of what psychology believes is in the public interest in this controversy," said Armand R. Cerbone, a Chicago psychologist who chaired the working group.
The seven-member working group based its recommendations on research into same-sex relationships and families.
The Washington-base APA has more than 150,000 members, including researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students.

Well...looks like the Psychs have weighed in on the issue, eh?
This is the same group that once claimed that "willing" sexual contacts between adults and children was OK. I don't give their stance a hell of a lot of credence.
Psychologists don't see behaviors as most people do. They do not judge people for morality or social placement. They spend years learning to see past social norms to accept a person for whoever they are (axe murder, child rapist, etc). They approve of someone living under bridge talking to the passing trains as long as the person can maintain saftey and well-being, and be happy doing it. It is thier choice to live how they like.

It doesn't prevent vagrancy laws from being made.