So, PT - what is your going rate these days? ;)

Me, I'm no post whore - just a post slut (hey, I've never demanded payment)

Well done china :D
oh sure...cheer on the young ones....Wait till you're my age and have to type with your penis and can't remember what you're replying to when the reply window opens....You'll slow down too...:mope:

But Congratz anyway...:wink2:
Guess you've worn the poor mini-Squiggs out then ;)

(and for some reason I now cannot get the idea that he has a 'ENTER' mark permanently imprinted on his poor little head out of me mind :eek: )
Let's look at the situation. The unemployed frog who types with his penis has 10,000+ posts & the guy who works for government has 12k. Does anyone see the problem?

Gonz said:
Let's look at the situation. The unemployed frog who types with his penis has 10,000+ posts & the guy who works for government has 12k. Does anyone see the problem?


Well now, I Don't see the problem. :swing:
Gonz said:
Let's look at the situation. The unemployed frog who types with his penis has 10,000+ posts & the guy who works for government has 12k. Does anyone see the problem?


Erm...Squiggs should go work for the government 'cos that way he gets to work for a dick & have free net access, rather that let his dick do the work & pay for the priviledge? :tardbang: