Puffed Rice...

Squiggy said:
I'd still like to hear some thoughts on her refusal to testify. Seems we can never get answers from this administration...:eh:

you have a choice. right now decide. either they give us no answer or lie.
Those are not the only options. This is national security we're talking about.
Gonz said:
Those are not the only options. This is national security we're talking about.

See...I gave you plenty of time to think about it and you throw that bullshit out there. You wouldn't be saying that if it was the dems pulling that shit. She refuses to give sworn testimony whether its closed session or not. The only thing she'll agree to is a "closed door interview". They aren't going to ask her to reveal info that would leave us vulnerable to anything. She just refuses to say anything under oath because she knows she would be wide open for perjury charges. Rather obvious....I bet little kids could figure that much out. :rolleyes:
Squiggy said:
See...I gave you plenty of time to think about it and you throw that bullshit out there. You wouldn't be saying that if it was the dems pulling that shit. She refuses to give sworn testimony whether its closed session or not. The only thing she'll agree to is a "closed door interview". They aren't going to ask her to reveal info that would leave us vulnerable to anything. She just refuses to say anything under oath because she knows she would be wide open for perjury charges. Rather obvious....I bet little kids could figure that much out. :rolleyes:

Of course I'd piss & moan, that is my nature. I'd also want answers. I'd believe they were stalling or hiding something. I'd also think the exact same thing as I think now.

At least she isn't lying before a grand jury ;)
If it was about her getting her pussy licked, i wouldn't care one way or the other. This is a bit more serious than that.
If she lied before a grand jury, as a member of the Presidents staff I'd care.

Liberal ideology - It's the seriousness of the charge, not whether guilt has been established.
If shes willing to 'talk' but not under oath, then she has discredited herself and the administration. He (Dubya) created this commission to get the answers. We payed the tab. We are entitled to those answers. Call it what you want, Gonz. If people are to remain free, they deserve better from the whitehouse.
GonzAlmighty said:
Liberal ideology - It's the seriousness of the charge, not whether guilt has been established.

pretty much. which is more important? a president who gets a BJ or national security?
Get this through your head (you meaning all the liberals), it's not that hard.

Nobody (well, most people) didn't care who blew Clinton or when or why. What pissed us off was the fact that our Preident lied to a grand jury.

He committed perjury. If it was over a blow job or over an attack on an aspirin factory or over freedom of another country, it's all the same. A lie is a lie. I'd prefer silence to untruths.
Then why the fuck do you love to let this administration adopt it as policy? BTW...Lies of omission are still lies.
Squiggy said:
Then why the fuck do you love to let this administration adopt it as policy? BTW...Lies of omission are still lies.

So you want to remove the 5th amendment to the US constitution?
Gonz said:
Get this through your head (you meaning all the liberals), it's not that hard.

Nobody (well, most people) didn't care who blew Clinton or when or why. What pissed us off was the fact that our Preident lied to a grand jury.

He committed perjury. If it was over a blow job or over an attack on an aspirin factory or over freedom of another country, it's all the same. A lie is a lie. I'd prefer silence to untruths.

what pissed me off is that it was blown up to that level and this seems to mean jack shit.

as far as the 5th amendment goes, I say leave it. While yes I am for lesseining criminals rights I feel noone should ever have to answer whatever they do not want to(incriminate self)