puree for dummies


New Member

i'm making a mango cake, and the recipe calls for me to add a cup of mango puree to the batter.

so "puree" means i throw mango into a blender and mush it up, right? :lloyd:
Leslie said:
no peel, and use the puree button sparingly...don't get to liquefy :D
oh...I forgot the rest...it also means "mail to Leslie when baked"
that pip is a pain in the butt...i love mango so i just use a vegetable peeler to peel of the top third of the peel then use a grapefruit spoon to eat it...another thing that is expensive here :shrug:
leaning over a sink and sucking the remaining mango off its pip is one of the great and extremely private pleasures of my life :love3:

has two mangos waiting for me later tonight..

Ms Ann Thrope said:
leaning over a sink and sucking the remaining mango off its pip is one of the great and extremely private pleasures of my life :love3:

I agree ... that's one of my favorite childhood memories!!
btw, you guys are talking about the seed in there, right? what the hell is a pip? :alienhuh: :lloyd:
think apple sauce consistancy

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