Queen Camilla Parker-Bowles-Windsor?


Well-Known Member
So...if Charles becomes King, Camilla automatically becomes Queen of England et al. The topic is being bandied abouts in Canada because we're still part of the Commonwealth... How do you feel about Queen Camilla Parker-Bowles-Windsor?

Lady in Waiting

[size=-1]By JOHN ALLEMANG[/size]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=-1]Saturday, February 12, 2005 – Print Edition, Page F2[/size][/font]

No picture on the stamps we lick

For Chuck's belated second pick.

No splashy wedding at St Paul's

Or Queen Camilla talking dolls

That tell us how you're not amused

When stepson Harry acts confused.

It's strange but true: You bring them shame

By taking on the Windsor name.

"God Save Our Consort" lacks the ring

Of majesty, but then your fling

With Charles, consorting on the sly,

Made you the villain next to Di.

And when they test you in the polls,

Your past still taints you with the proles

Who find it hard to bow the head

To one who spiced up Charles's bed.

We can't call you Princess of Wales

(Too many sordid tampon tales?)

And Charles says you can't share the throne

The way you shared his telephone --

But still, dear Duchess, it's progress

To move up from adulteress,

And have your checkered past made clean

By reigning as our not-quite-Queen.

[email protected]
She's the world's most famous golddigger ... 'cause no one in their right mind would say she went after Charles for his good looks :lloyd:
I seriously doubt that Charles will ever become king. Odds are that the queen will pass straight down to William.
Can it skip like that? The politics of monarchies is so hard to keep up with.

Once Queen Elizabeth dies and Charles becomes king, the government says Camilla will automatically become queen. Charles' office, however, prefers the title “princess consort” for the woman he has been consorting with all these years. U.K. public opinion polls have indicated broad support for the marriage but strong resistance to Camilla becoming queen.

Article entitled Bride of Chucky :lol:
Here's what I find funny about the situation...

They (Prince Charles and Camilla) planned their wedding for this coming Friday, but had to change the date because of the Pope's funeral. The date they now have is the same date the Beatles broke up. Divine providence? :lol2:
Professur said:
Yes, the queen can appoint her sucessor, or Chucky can abdicate.

He already said once that he would never take the throne :eyebrow:
MrBishop said:
Never is a really long time.

Just don't give it to Harry Pot-er

Uh...no...William will get it

And yes, never is a long time...but once the Queen is finished being Queen (through death of stepping down) if William becomes King Charles can't then take it away from him so you see forever isn't that long
I don't much like either of them.

Buuut.... whatever. let them humiliate themselves all they want.

He's grotesque and she's NOT the boys Mum.
Look you guys, have a revolution. Send the Queen a letter stating that you're fed up with their crap & men & wimins need to find happiness & with their taxation & oversight, without representation, you're outta there. Then France will help you kick their ass.
Gonz said:
Look you guys, have a revolution. Send the Queen a letter stating that you're fed up with their crap & men & wimins need to find happiness & with their taxation & oversight, without representation, you're outta there. Then France will help you kick their ass.

We had a civil war instead. English civil war

Nobody really cares about the royal family and whether Charles is getting married. Most people like having a Queen though. Nothing like pomp and ceremony :D