Question about Texas

Luis G

Staff member
Is it true that they can become an independent country any time they want if they wish to?
Actually I'm not. The subject came up yesterday when we were (my family) talking about the Texas annexation to the US, I seemed to remember having read somewhere that they still have the right to secede if they wish to (since they joined willingly).
not without war

I must now enter into the tired old debate of whether or not the South had the right to secede from the Union in the first place. Despite all the babblings and designed logic of one not so honest Abe Lincoln, the answer is absolutely and positively YES. Search the U.S. Constitution from front to back and you will find that nowhere in it has a State's right to secede even been mentioned much less prohibited.
as far as i'm concerned... they can break away whenever they wanna... and then 40 years from now we'll exploit 'em as peasants.
Actually I'm not. The subject came up yesterday when we were (my family) talking about the Texas annexation to the US, I seemed to remember having read somewhere that they still have the right to secede if they wish to (since they joined willingly).

Luis, that story has made the rounds for ever.

Actually, the only thing Texas can do that other states cannot(as far as I know), is split into as many as 5 separate states.
I didn't even know about that group of people, but I'm certain I heard the rumour about Texas a long time ago, perhaps even before joining this forum.