Question? Ask the Web Ouija

I asked it all kinds of deep questions about my life. Everything I wanted to happen, it told me wouldn't. then I asked if it was a fraud... and that was the first "yes" answer I got.
i asked it all sorts of silly questions...then i started plugging in song titles that are questions....that was fun...but when i asked it "what about love?" it gave me an odd answer...UTUEZY....whatcha think?
tonksy said:
i asked it all sorts of silly questions...then i started plugging in song titles that are questions....that was fun...but when i asked it "what about love?" it gave me an odd answer...UTUEZY....whatcha think?

Q. does my milkshake bring all the boys to the yard?
A. cannot tell.

:hmm: it seems it does not bode well for tonksy....
I crashed the Ouija.

I asked it a question about myself. It spelled "YOU" then it started moving to another letter but stopped completely.:shrug:

I couldn't even guess what it was saying next because it stopped between two letters.
I crashed it again. I asked it who the president was. It spelled "friend" then it stopped again. Right between the G and T

Then I asked it the exact same question. It said "YOU"