Question for atheists...

We don't eat humans, atheists, Christians, Muslims & Jews alike, because we taste like chicken & damned if there isn't already enough "tastes like chicken" around as it is.
if it's friendly, Altron, you should make sure they know that. Otherwise it just looks nasty.
i am with you on this one. that was just so rude. i swear i am so upset right now....
whoreable said:
i am with you on this one. that was just so rude. i swear i am so upset right now....


Look at him cry!


:D j/k
Scanty said:
I took nambit's post as meaning - what would be the rules as to eating animals/humans if we were in a state of living where no social/ethical structure arose. (a hypothetical situation, in other words).

If you're talking about what would happen after a group of humans sprang into existance, realistically, then yeah obviously social norms would develop.

Yeah, that's what i meant... a hypothetical situation (ie an intellectual wank).

and yes, social norms would develop... but without all that background with eating animals, would these hypothetical humans decide that eating animals was a bad idea?

Personally I reckon there's a good chance that everyone would be tree-hugging hippies in that situation... the thought of eating animals would be rather repulsive... but i don't really have a good argument for that, it's just the gut feeling I have that it's kinda weird to eat meat, but i still do it because i rather like the stuff... as someone said, if i'd never eaten it i doubt i'd feel any urge to do so.

The British Conservative Catholics (BCC) were formed to counter the many sinister forces that are pitted against us, especially the Atheist Movement and the agents of Satan. Many of us are parents with young children we are very concerned with the evil they face from modern society.

Unfortunately, the Atheist Movement is aware of our activities. Although they are at the brink of defeat they still wage a futile campaign against our group. Our website has been shut down four times already! Clearly the Atheist Movement seeks to silence dissident opinions. They want no one to oppose them as they use the internet as a propaganda tool to promote sickening practices such as masturbating and listening to rock music.
its a toss up. I might have to get the one with Lady Di. 'Did she Di for your sins?' crucified on the cross and all. They could have made it a little more Cannibal Corpse though.