Quick Joke


Well-Known Member
What's the square root of 69?


8.30662 :D
The old gameshow To Tell The Truth... a panel of minor celebrities ask 20 yes/no questions to three people presented as being a given minor celeb of note whom 99.9% of people just don't know what looks like..

The host introduces the panel and then says ... Now lets play... To Tell The Truth! *curtain parts*

3 female figures stand in shadow. A spotlight hits the first one... she stands forward and says: My name is Hellen Keller...

Spotlight moves to woman 2... she stands forward and says: My name is Hellen Keller...

Spotlight moves to woman 3... she stands forward and says: MWWHHyhyy nnnaAAhhhhhaMMeeee eEEEeesss Hewwwwwen KKwewweellllleerrrrr....
Hehehe. Okay...

The square root of 69 sounds like it's going to be something dirty... but then it's not.

Helen Keller was a deaf mute.

Does that help?
Ok, I thought the first was something like that. It didn't tickle my funny bone.

The second one is just dumb. I knew she was a deaf mute, that is not funny htough.
its an era based joke. Anyone over 30 in the states was raised upon a steady diet of Hellen Keller jokes.. I guess it something that had to be imprinted in childhood. We laugh because it helps trigger old memories of 100 old dusty jokes deep in the brain database. We remember them all in a little way all at once.
I find it funny because I've seen reruns of that show, and one of the three is the actual celebrity. In that case, it'd be a bit obvious. :D
Actually Helen Keller was blind and would not have had any idea if the light was on her or not.

I'm feeling a little anal retentive at the moment:rolleyes:
A.B.Normal said:
Actually Helen Keller was blind and would not have had any idea if the light was on her or not.

I'm feeling a little anal retentive at the moment

When a stage light shines on you, you can feel the heat. :rolleyes:

^^Now THAT is anal retentive.
Why are Helen Keller's leg yellow?

Her dog's blind too.

Why does Helen Keller only mastrubate with one hand?

So she can moan with the other.