Quotes About You

Thats what I always thought the ignore function was created for.

Ah, quotes from my illustrious past. Believe it was right after either the first or second ban.
"my god you really are an asshole" - to many to mention

"my god you really are a nice guy" - to many to mention
Oh, I have a rl one:
"You know, you are actually really cute"
-said by a drunk drug addict who hung himself some time later..
Screw yer IRL crap people don't say stuff about me in the real werld, not if they wanna live!

I come here for that; from my karma screen here Quotes:

I may think you are an idiot, but I gotta say I like your style.

You and Gonz fantasize about doing it, don't you?

man, you come up with shite... you know this right?

That totally redeemed you in my eyes. Lisa (Thx Lisa)

you have such a way with words sometimes...

true true

I liked that one

Thanks for being the fall guy on a good joke

That has to be one of the funniest things I have read today

Really love the sig gif though. It's hilarious

Love the Shirley Temple AV
Oooh, kinky.

Speaking of karma, I'll add a couple more just because..:

I tried to use my pic as an avatar, but then I got this:
Nice Avatar, but I see nipples.

A couple more..
hear hear... fucking crazy norwegians... er I mean uh....*runs*

Have I mentionned how great it is to have you back?

I like your thoughts
Hey I was just quoting a certain bored member
that prolly wants to doit to ME! heh heh heh
Winky said:
Hey I was just quoting a certain bored member
that prolly wants to doit to ME! heh heh heh

That is geared toward that person, not you.
The nipples didn't bother me. I just wanted to give you a running start before someone else started complaining. And it is good to have you back.
i won't mention names but i promise these are real quotes from OTC and PiL

"you sick sick puppy"

"shit stirrer"

"nice pic but you're a little slow"

"I have now lost all respect for you"


"I may not like your postions but you do make me laugh"
"hear hear... fucking crazy norwegians... er I mean uh....*runs*"
That was me. :D

Some of my karma, god knows there's enough[/lol]:

A straightening iron on pubic hair.*shudder* What some wimmen won't do. At least you're not putting lipstick on your nethers.
May yer brilliance never fade

One of those dominatrix latex suits would work well too.
:alienhuh: :rofl: