R.I.P. Pope John Paul II

Its so daum hard to care aboot all these soon to be ded peoples. Sorry I'ma gonna try harder!
Well at least he's had the decency to shovel off
faster than 15 years
and the Popester was an awesome Dude not some nobody bulimic!

Did he really speak 26 languages, was he really the target of a KGB assassination attempt.
He did take a nine mil in the gut for the cause.

So now he’s gonna find out that we atheists are right and there’s no heaven nor hell,
man is he gonna be pissed!
Winky said:
Well at least he's had the decency to shovel off
faster than 15 years
and the Popester was an awesome Dude not some nobody bulimic!

Did he really speak 26 languages, was he really the target of a KGB assassination attempt.
He did take a nine mil in the gut for the cause.

So now he’s gonna find out that we atheists are right and there’s no heaven nor hell,
man is he gonna be pissed!

Really? Even if he's wrong, he's had kings and presidents grovel and kiss the hem of his robe for decades. I don't think he's gonna be too terribly disappointed one way or the other. I'm pretty sure that from his position, he knows the truth about God, one way or the other. The Vatican vaults are said to house secrets that less than a dozen people in the world have known at any one time, for centruies.
Prof you never cease to amaze me.

Oh and at this moment yer Pontiff ain't quite
gone to meet his maker quite yet.

Not to worry, as every good atheist knows when you
die you simply cease to exist and that is the fate that awaits the Pope.
Eh, the pope's been dead for months.

LOL most the old southern baptist around here thing the pope "position"
is evil, and that John's goin straight to hell. :devious:

I wonder if the next pope is going to be the antichrist.?. :devious:
catocom said:
I wonder if the next pope is going to be the antichrist.?. :devious:

I thought a13 already was. :confused:

PS: Gonz, I see your skill at foretelling the future parallels Nostradamus' and Jeanne Dixon. You should have a hotline. ;)
Professur said:
Really? Even if he's wrong, he's had kings and presidents grovel and kiss the hem of his robe for decades. I don't think he's gonna be too terribly disappointed one way or the other. I'm pretty sure that from his position, he knows the truth about God, one way or the other. The Vatican vaults are said to house secrets that less than a dozen people in the world have known at any one time, for centruies.

When a pope dies they put him in a room in the basement for 5 years to have his time with jesus...then they cast a brone mold of his face and place it over his face and make sure all his skin is covered by his robe and place him behind glass near his memorial in the cathedral so people cna mourn him...one guy...my bro says he thinks it was 2 popes ago..when they went to "get him" after 5 years he looked just like the day he died...no deterioration...so they just treated his face with wax and you can look in and see him behind glass and it just looks like he's sleeping...my bro says it's CREEPY (he was in Italy a few weeks ago)
It's weird for me. My main blood line is Roman decent, but I guess on the
marriages through the years, I'm southern baptist, and just like some of
the muslin leaders, I just don't feel any remorse for the man.

I don't understand the whole "praying someone into heaven" part.
It seems to me if he ain't in the right place while he was the active pope,
he ain't gonna get there now because of prayer.
Hearing the bells toll, and damit, now i got that ding dong shit winky started
stuck in my head now.

It was pretty freaky here though. The power just went out for about an hour,
and when it came back on they were announcing his death. :alienhuh:
Gonz said:
Let the destruction of the Catholic Church begin.
I think it has been self destructing for quite awhile anyway.

Which direction wiil the new Pope take?, stay the course, modernize or scale back things.

Time will tell.
John Paul II was quite conservative. Many of the underlings want to liberalize the church. They've been stymied for a quarter of a century.
Now the way is clear for the Church to allow
Lesbian Priests and endorse abortion.

'bout time doncha think?