

Out-freaking-standing OTC member
More like deluge. I can't even see the runway from my building. If you live in the Atlanta area, I believe this front passed by you folks about 4 hours, or so, ago, so you know what I'm talking about...:eek5:
Gato_Solo said:
More like deluge. I can't even see the runway from my building. If you live in the Atlanta area, I believe this front passed by you folks about 4 hours, or so, ago, so you know what I'm talking about...:eek5:
Oh good! That means it's gone?
Today I dreamed of rain, huge ammounts of it. Our city getting evacuated because of it. :eek13:
We are now on a tornado watch until 2000 tonight...(8:00 PM to you 12-hour clock people).
There's a certain advantage to living in an old apartment that's about two feet off the ground. Of course, my neighborhood hasn't flooded out... but if it did, I'd have a little bit of leeway.
California needs the rain. It feeds the wildfire brush before July.
That's why I always say, "April showers bring May flowers and July 100,000-acre wildfires."
:hmm: You forgot the subsequent mudslides in September and October due to the burned off vegetation (trees) in July. ;)
The mudslides don't start until the rainy season... which usually begins somewhere between late November and early December.
Mudlsides are the opening act of the rainy season. 3" of rain in a couple of days in a region where 8" is above average rainfall & none has fallen since last May.
2 tornado warnings just hit the Atlanta area... tis far from over it would seem.

Said front hit us at about 3 am... or at least thats what my aching back told me. Its always been a reliable barometer.
Gato, any way you can turn that rain around and send it back out this way??? We are about to burn up here in Texas, Oklahoma too! There is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO rain in the forseeable future, and we are desperately in need of some. Wildfires are overly abundant.
majestyx said:
Gato, any way you can turn that rain around and send it back out this way??? We are about to burn up here in Texas, Oklahoma too! There is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO rain in the forseeable future, and we are desperately in need of some. Wildfires are overly abundant.

Wish I could. Have you folks tried seeding clouds yet? (Silver Nitrate)
To the best of my knowledge, no. The humidity level is so low, I doubt it'd help any either. Our problem is what the weather folks are calling the Mexican Plume. It's preventing the humidity from rising and keeping all of the wet stuff from the west coast from being able to move into the southern central states. About the only clouds that we have are from the smoke clouds rising off of the wildfires. :(
The greater southerwestern United States is arid. People plant shit & then have BBQs. Any questions?