Rape and False Memory Syndrome


Well-Known Member
Rape is a cancer on society and the evil that resides in all ages, races and genders. The rape/molestation of a child is a horrible thing to conceptualize, and in my opinion, the worst of all crimes.

Here's the kicker...some people, in their adulthood, uncover memories about rapes which they had supposedly repressed for dozens of years, and may have happened when they were children. Their attempts to bring their assulter to justice has cause families to break apart, friendships to rupture and personal lives to disintegrate.

There have been some cases where FMS (Flase Memory Syndrome) has come into play. That is, people convince themselves that something which did not happen, did. I've just heard about another man who just got himself dragged into court by his 27 year old daughter for a rape that he supposedly commited when she was 5 years old. Now...the man spent nearly 2 years in courts defending himself. When it was all over...the girl realized that what she'd had was a false memory created by her psychiatrist. A suggestion which went too far.

How could this possibly be prevented? The tragedy of it all!


New Source: Unavailable at the moment...still looking
MrBishop said:
Rape is a cancer on society and the evil that resides in all ages, races and genders. The rape/molestation of a child is a horrible thing to conceptualize, and in my opinion, the worst of all crimes.

Here's the kicker...some people, in their adulthood, uncover memories about rapes which they had supposedly repressed for dozens of years, and may have happened when they were children. Their attempts to bring their assulter to justice has cause families to break apart, friendships to rupture and personal lives to disintegrate.

There have been some cases where FMS (Flase Memory Syndrome) has come into play. That is, people convince themselves that something which did not happen, did. I've just heard about another man who just got himself dragged into court by his 27 year old daughter for a rape that he supposedly commited when she was 5 years old. Now...the man spent nearly 2 years in courts defending himself. When it was all over...the girl realized that what she'd had was a false memory created by her psychiatrist. A suggestion which went too far.

How could this possibly be prevented? The tragedy of it all!


New Source: Unavailable at the moment...still looking

This is often due to the suggestion that was placed...not later in adult hood but during child hood.

Example, A particular horror film scared the crap out of me when I was a child. I used to hear sounds, see things at night, had night terrors etc. On more than one occassion I spent the entire night sleeping under my sisters bed or sitting up behind the curtains.

I was obviously troubled, but no one in my house understood it or realized the implications.

The memories stuck with me and over the years became twisted and cloudy.

Now at this point, it would be "easy" for a counselor or otherwise to convince me that I had been terrorized by some werewolf or wild animal (If I didnt know better).

But with somthing like rape...its not as easy to "know better".

She could have heard a story, read a book, had a friend victimized, or seen a movie and internalized the fear...which after years became a "false memory".

Hell even a dream about it would be enough.

If I were the father in that example my daughter would be lucky if I ever spoke to her every again though.

If you going to make an accusation like that...it dammed well better be true.
AnomalousEntity said:
If I were the father in that example my daughter would be lucky if I ever spoke to her every again though.

If you going to make an accusation like that...it dammed well better be true.
That's the problem with FMS....in this case...it IS true to you. Hence the big-ol' bear-trap! You remember it happening, and your sub-sonscious will start adding details to fill in the blanks. The more time you think about it, the more vivid it gets. The more vivid, the more true?

It's frightening, ain't it?
there are times that its implanted as you said but i will be blunt. Most people who were raped dont come forward and usually never right away. not justifying the girl jsut saying be aware thats how things like thsi are and thats how it can go as bad as it did: she wasnt raped but was made to beLIEve she was. then she comes forward.
Psychology, et al, is an art not a science. It doesn't belong in a court room. It has created problems where none existed before. It has made more victims than it's treated. FMS is just the latest example to rear it's ugly head. It will (or has) destroy more families than it catches rapists. It's time to quit allowing tehse quacks to operate without scrutiny.

Yes I hate my mother but it has nothing to do with this :D
Oh my wife would have a hayday with you Gonz. Psychology Can be detrimental, but for the most part, I truly believe that we are better off for it. Sure there are some quacks in the field, much like there are quacks in any field, but the majority don't try to make thier patients remember stuff that didn't really occur. I'm sure if you traced the cases, they all trace back a very limited number of psychologists, or back to the same instructor at least.
Aah...you're making assumptions Gonz. You're assuming that the FMS was placed there by a Psychologist. That's not always the case.
MrBishop said:
Aah...you're making assumptions Gonz. You're assuming that the FMS was placed there by a Psychologist.

Not me, nuh-ugh, no way.

first post said:
When it was all over...the girl realized that what she'd had was a false memory created by her psychiatrist.