'Rape film' released uncut

gonz there is one reason i disagree. the murder victim had a family. or friends. people will mourn them. it hurts them too and that person aint coming back. this isnt return of the dead people who were murdered. this is real life. i dont mean to sound condescending as i knwo how bad rape is so i hope you dont take me as being a prick to you but realise the murder victim and the rape victim have something in common. they had the right to be victimised. in other words they didnt ask for it. theyre rights were taken away. in both cases i say death is the penalty. i know your against gov't executions, but wouldnt you kill someone who raped or killed someone you loved? thats why im for the death penalty. plus id feel safer knowing some sick bastard is dead.
Gato_Solo said:
If you want to see scenes of disgusting brutality, watch A Clockwork Orange. It's actually a film about behavior and free will, but it's quite graphic.


My standards for disgusting brutality might be quite high, I found that movie average, at most. Now, for the real thing, watch Haute Tension, it left me impressed to say the least :eek:
I didn't find A Clockwork Orange to be overly brutal per se.... but goddamn, it was a chilling thing to watch. My neck kept prickling all the way through it.
I read A Clockwork Orange in highschool before I saw the movie. For the first couple chapters I had to keep looking at the reference in the back to learn the language. They streamlined the languague in the movie for obvious reasons.

There was another movie out a couple years ago where I heard a man got raped by another man who was dressed as a clown. I don't even know what to say about that.
Luis G said:

My standards for disgusting brutality might be quite high, I found that movie average, at most. Now, for the real thing, watch Haute Tension, it left me impressed to say the least :eek:
Is that the one in the red? room with all the drapes?
no...I meant the Belluci one. I just GIS'd it, that's it. I saw it without knowing what it was. Meh :shrug:

But it definitely should have an over 18 rating.
Leslie said:
no...I meant the Belluci one. I just GIS'd it, that's it. I saw it without knowing what it was. Meh :shrug:

But it definitely should have an over 18 rating.

And I was talking about a clockwork orange, then suggested haute tension as a movie that is actually brutal.
Thank you. Being a GIS'er, I was a little confuzzled as to why Leslie was talking about using a GIS (geographic information system) to find a movie.
there's a movie, i think it's an italian film, called "I spit on your grave (day of the woman)", in which this woman spends much of the movie getting stalked, harassed, and raped by these guys. it's really hard to watch. but it ends really well... she takes her revenge on all of them, and it's very bloody, hateful revenge, but i rooted for her the whole time because the things they did to her were so horrible.

flavio said:
There was another movie out a couple years ago where I heard a man got raped by another man who was dressed as a clown. I don't even know what to say about that.

that would be Vulgar, which is actually a kevin smith movie.
freako104 said:
What they dud to her in the movie is atrocious. They get what they deserve though.


anyone seen Love Object? this guy is like, obsessed with his cowoker so he orderes a realistic love doll of her. hijinks ensues. i cried at the end because it surprised me. it had a really backwards, twisted ending.
'Irreversible" was one of the films selected for us to analyse in my film paper last year, though I chose not to go and see it others in my class did and it did result in quite an interesting discussion about the nature of movies depicting this sort of thing and the types of audience that would actually choose to go and watch it and be able to stomach that sort of graphic depiction.

My tutor went to the film and he said that he couldn't watch it, in fact even having to sit through it and listen was bad enough.

Prior to that he really held no objection to the graphic depiction of sex in films and was generally against censorship of something because people are offended by it.

Afterwards he was really outspoken in the fact that this sort of scene was completely unjustified and unneccesary, and that he couldn't understand the logic of putting something like that into a film that made it literally impossible to stomach for anybody of a sound mind.

He also mentioned that probably 90% of the audience was made up of individually seated, 'ahem', "older" men.

I agree with prof, there is no need for rape to be glamorised, but then there really is no reasonable justification for a nine-minute rape scene to be included in the final cut of a film to be screened, even
if it were supposed to be "in the name of art"... now is there?

makes you think about who makes these kinds of films, who funds them, and who they are intended for...or whether they are just intended to be provocative by nature.
tank girl said:
makes you think about who makes these kinds of films, who funds them, and who they are intended for...or whether they are just intended to be provocative by nature.

That's their goal, if it is provocative then everybody will talk about it and the name of the film will be remembered. I hate that about current art movies.

OTOH, the rape scene wasn't really that bad.
Do you see what's happening here? The one-upping? "That's not violent! Hah! You really WANNA see violent, go see THIS!" I know I'm exaggerating but this is who it appeals to. I personally find that kind of conversation distasteful.

My question is, why would you seek out more and more violent movies? When is it enough?

Sure, I watched "Faces of Death" when I was a teenager but most kids seek out movies like that for shock-value. Just like A Clockwork Orange.

I have a morbid side, sure. Everyone does to a degree. There's people who slow down at car accidents to get a good look and people who search the internet for the Rotten.com type sites to get a fix.

And then there are people who would be highly entertained by a 9 minute rape scene. In my opinion, that's not something to gloat about. I'm somewhere in between, perhaps because of the EMS background, more towards the Rotten but not quite at the point where I seek out violent movies because they're violent.