Rate yourself... D&D style


Give your:

STR (strength--physical strength)
CON (constitution--health and wellbeing, how much you can take before you die or something)
DEX (dexterity--speed and agility)
INT (intelligence--how fast you learn, interpret things)
WIS (wisdom--knowledge, from expereince)
CHA (charisma--what other people perceive you as)

Use 2nd edition rules. And be honest. Assign 75 points. That means you have by default 12-13 on each characteristic. You can go up to 18 points if you are a normal human being. 18 indicates you honestly excel in that field. Minimum of 3 points in a certain field. If you are 500 pounds, your dexterity should be around 3.
Mind explaining second edition rules for those of us that haven't played D&D for 20 some years?
STR: 9 (weak, not strong at all)
CON: 13 (I rarely get sick, and I can take quite a bit)
DEX: 9 (not fast at all, and I'm not very good with sports)
INT: 17 (I got into Waterloo huh?)
WIS: 14 (I like helping people out. There is a serious side with me. ;))
CHA: 13 (just normal)
:lol: I was just about to make a thread like this!!

hmmm, I'm a little more familiar with 3rd Ed rules, but here goes:

STR - 10 (heehee, if it's a fight they want.. can't someone else give it to them??)
CON - 13 (don't get sixk that often)
DEX - 12 (only thing quick is my fingers ;))
INT - 16 (heehee, I'm a little more sharp than most other people)
WIS - 14 (I've been through lottsa stuff to KNOW what I'm talking about)
CHA - 10 (Not that much eye candy)

Nothing special :)

Other than that:
Class: Most deficially a Ranger
Race: Occidental Half-Elf (basically someone that doesn't fit in, but doesn't five a shit, and WANTS to keep to themselves :D )

once again i must ask: WHAT SYSTEM??????? D&D USES MORE THAN ONE!!!!!!!(there is an older system and the d20 system.)

ards: its pretty easy to do that. take 4d6 and roll. tkae the lowest one away and add the otehr 3. but to me the deadlands characters are teh easiest to make
havent touched second edition nor first nor 3rd. im in a ravenloft game on campus thast teh closest to D&D i play.
Ardsgaine said:
Are we allowed to use kits?
NO, don't take it this seriously... Look at yourself and your life, and rate yourself. Make numebrs up. Put your characteristics in perspective. And make sure it adds up to 75 points please.
I think you confuse the ideas of dexterity and agility. One may be 500 pounds and still quite dextrous. Agility on the other hand would suffer badly.
Oh Damn, here we go with another runaway thread. THE ANARCHY!!!


:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I'm kind of short, but I don't know whether to take the +2 bonus to DEX as a halfling, or add it to CON as a dwarf.... I have a beard... Do halflings have beards?
unclehobart said:
I think you confuse the ideas of dexterity and agility. One may be 500 pounds and still quite dextrous. Agility on the other hand would suffer badly.

Unc makes a good point. The Players' Option rules divide Dexterity into the attributes of Aim (for manual dexterity) and Balance (which would be agility). Are we allowed to use Players' Option rules? I think my Aim attribute would be a lot higher than my Balance...
heck.. I still go by 1st edition rules.. even basic rules at times. Thats a 3d6 universe and 18/00 strength.

Re: Re: Rate yourself... D&D style

Jerrek said:
INT: 17 (I got into Waterloo huh?)

Are you sure?, you are the master of misinterpretation.
I think that would fall more under wisdom than intel. Intel is aptitude while wisdom is the appropriate application of that aptitude.