Reality Check: 1 on 1 With President Obama, How Does He Justify A Kill List?

Justify this!
being on a kill list might not deter them from being a problem
but getting their names crossed off show nuff will ;)
that video is what happens when adolescent know-nothings assemble facts - which are available to support anything these days - into their tiniest little pee pee fantasies... and then strut it. gotta hand it to 'em as far as entertainment content. and its transparency makes it even more entertaining.

maybe time to start shooting a little higher gotholic? yer a smart kid, but yer slummin'.
I really liked it
just on wee problem with the whole concept
does anyone in their right mind think the US government
could actually pull that off?
I think it would have been easier to fake a moon landing or shoot Kennedy
U.S. ambassador to Libya killed in Benghazi attack

c'mon seriously ya couldn't make this shit up
nah NASCAR fans would have to schedule it for a weekend when the races aren't being run