Reality is back to bite us


molṑn labé
Staff member
The reason we're at war & the reason the government is getting special privleges.

A terrorist plot to blow up planes in mid-flight from the UK to the US has been disrupted, Scotland Yard has said.
It is thought the plan was to detonate explosive devices smuggled on aircraft in hand luggage.

Police have arrested about 18 people in the London area after an anti-terrorist operation lasting several months.

Security at all airports in the UK has been tightened and delays are expected. MI5 has raised the UK threat level to critical - the highest possible.

According to MI5's website, critical threat level means "an attack is expected imminently and indicates an extremely high level of threat to the UK".

What does that have to with Iraq?

You're about 840 bazillion times more likely to get killed driving to work than by a terrorist so quit giving up my freedoms and wasting my tax dollars on this BS and spend a tiny fraction of it on airport security.
spike said:
What does that have to with Iraq?

You're about 840 bazillion times more likely to get killed driving to work than by a terrorist so quit giving up my freedoms and wasting my tax dollars on this BS and spend a tiny fraction of it on airport security.

Good Idea, stop the support of the UN and put the money to better use...
spike said:
What does that have to with Iraq?

You're about 840 bazillion times more likely to get killed driving to work than by a terrorist so quit giving up my freedoms and wasting my tax dollars on this BS and spend a tiny fraction of it on airport security.

The GWOT has been created by Bushco to fuel an atmosphere of fear, to restrict our civil liberties and to give conservative authority unlimited rule.

Once the libs take back the house and senate with clear thinking progressives all of this "terrorism" absurdity will disappear just like magic. Until then, let's all just go on living our lives, and maybe tonight go rent "Farenheit 911." :rolleyes: