Rebuilding the Roost


Southern Discomfort
Some of y'all have been asking how our rebuilding efforts are going.

Too damn slow.

But we think we are almost to terms on replacement housing. With any luck we will be in it within 6 weeks.

To tide you over here are a couple of photos of the property and the view we are missing. We hope to update this as things progress.
On the hill overlooking the crick, aside the outhouse & under the Revenuers Keep out sign
We'll there's karma at work for ya. All the shit that keeps happening to you is just the universe balancing itself for giving you that.
Here's the kicker.

That picture with the high weeds? That's the field that caught fire last winter. It now becomes the front yard.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Here's the kicker.

That picture with the high weeds? That's the field that caught fire last winter. It now becomes the front yard.
Don't set it on fire again then. ;) Nice spot.
Using the evening shot....the neighbors are entrenching much too close ;)
I'm sure it's not that humid there; the winds blow too fast for any moisture to stick around.
I'll be glad when y'all are back in your own home. I'll finish up the little housewarming gift and as soon as you can unlock the new front door, I'll have it in the mail..

I love that view. If I had the scratch, and you didn't have the fire arms, I'd be tempted to place an offer...;)
Gato_Solo said:
I love that view. If I had the scratch, and you didn't have the fire arms, I'd be tempted to place an offer...;)

US 127, between Crossville & Chattanooga is some outstanding western looking hillside terrain, with for sale signs. (if I recall the highway correctly)