Red Chinese


molṑn labé
Staff member
Communism at its finest

FLASH: Heckler disrupts Chinese President Hu's speech on south lawn at White House: 'President Bush, stop him from killing'... 'Stop persecuting the Falun Gong,' she yelled... She also shouted in Chinese, 'President Hu, your days are numbered, No more time for China's ruling party'... woman is taken away by uniformed secret service officers... right after Bush urged Hu to allow Chinese to 'speak freely'... She also unfurled a yellow 'Falun Gong' banner... She had a temporary pass with a big 'T' on it...

On China TV: As Hu Jintao was speaking, as yells of protesters became audible, the screen went black. Feed then came back and once again went black when woman was once again audible. During CNN International's post-speech commentary, at mention of south lawn heckler, screen went black again... feed returned when topic was no longer being discussed...
Screens going black is par for the course in China. That and edited letters. I have a friend in China (teaching English)... she's warned me about what kind f things I can write about, and I'm sure that she's careful, but her letters often get to me with sections or phrases literally cut out of the paper. :shrug:
Professur said:
You're not still in contact with Andrea, are you????
On occasion. No email so I have to write everything by hand and snail-mail it.

She's been back home, but went back fairly quickly.