Red Green says goodbye to Possum Lodge

unclehobart said:
I've never heard of him. I don't think his show ever made it this far south. How odd.

Hell, unc...I've heard of him even in the uncharted backwater known as Charleston. :eek: He plays on PBS...err...never mind...
The memories! The garbage catapault, the tree-cutting truck, the semi-automatic snowball thrower truck...the duct-tape!!! :(

Keep yer stick on the ice, Red!
I laughed most at the one where he cooked a whole turkey dinner on his truck. As in...on the motor. :laugh:

Ol' Red was one of a kind for sure.

Maybe some network will recreate it for prime time, starring Ellen Degenerate...gotta be inclusive ya know.
Jeez, Unc, I've heard of it. Seen a few episodes.

They don't play him here anymore, but PBS 30 used to run it every week.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Ol' Red was one of a kind for sure.

Maybe some network will recreate it for prime time, starring Ellen Degenerate...gotta be inclusive ya know.
Inclusive or'd be hilarious.
I always loved the "we're all in this together" spots near the end of the show.