Red Hat Linux take 2


New Member
Ok. This time I'm going to really try to learn linux. I'm typing this on my new linux box right now.

What I did was take RH( off my laptop. I needed the harddrive space. Anyway, I recently got my loner computer back. (MY loner computer, as in I loaned it to friends as I worked on their poor machines.) There wasn't much on it that I was worried about losing. Plus I already have two other windows machines. So I wiped the drive and put only linux on this puppy. It took me about six hours of reading and fiddling. But I finally got my video card working so I could run gnome. This second install, I chose custom and text login initially.

I also installed KDE, but I don't know how to start it. Keep in mind that I'm very new to this. startx automatically started gnome but I can't figure out how to make it let me choose kde.

In your opinions, which is better? Gnome or KDE?

Funniest thing... My network card that I have in this machine to connect to my modem with, didn't work when I had windows installed. But it works just fine in Linux. It's a D-Link DFE-530TX+

I thought it was burned out, but I left it in when I installed linux and it was found, installed, and now I'm just rambling.

So tell me how to start kde instead of gnome or at least have a choice every time I start X.
I was a little too quick to ask my question. I found a neat desktop switching program. I really have to play with this more. However I couldn't install icecast. missing package "curl"
imo kde is better, don't know how to make startx let you choose kde, but i think the command to start kde straight is kdestart.
I fiddled around in the config until i found a thingie that let me choose the shell every time i log on... I use Gnome on my ROOT and KDE on my reglar login.
I found the Desktop swtiching tool. Now I'm using kde. I don't know, but in some ways kde seems to run faster than gnome, except when starting up.

I just got xmms setup to play mp3's. Now that I got my Shoutcast, I couldn't be happier. Plus, I haven't noticed a single skip in the music, unlike when I was using winamp in Windows. I love this machine. Now I'm off to learn how to use Apache.
pc_builder said:
I also installed KDE, but I don't know how to start it. Keep in mind that I'm very new to this. startx automatically started gnome but I can't figure out how to make it let me choose kde.

one of the graphical logons usually lets you pick (xdm, gdm, or kdm). or you can fiddle with the xinitrc file or .xinitrc on a per user basis.

In your opinions, which is better? Gnome or KDE?

there's a holy war. i say skip them both and run fluxbox, which is incredibly fast and has builtin support for gnome (and partial kde support). if i had to pick gnome or kde i'd take gnome.

Funniest thing... My network card that I have in this machine to connect to my modem with, didn't work when I had windows installed. But it works just fine in Linux. It's a D-Link DFE-530TX+

almost every cheap net card out there uses a tulip chipset, if you run lsmod you'll probably see the tulip driver loaded.

Oh well. I gave Red Hat the boot and installed Slackware. Now I'm really going to sit down and start learning. Honest! :angel:
well at least you picked a distro i can answer questions about. IMHO, the best/only way to really linux is to go balls to the wall and ditch windows, the temptation of the crutch is too much. or keep windows but don't set up anything but games.
tommyj27 said:
one of the graphical logons usually lets you pick (xdm, gdm, or kdm). or you can fiddle with the xinitrc file or .xinitrc on a per user basis.

there's a holy war. i say skip them both and run fluxbox, which is incredibly fast and has builtin support for gnome (and partial kde support). if i had to pick gnome or kde i'd take gnome.

almost every cheap net card out there uses a tulip chipset, if you run lsmod you'll probably see the tulip driver loaded.

I just switched from kde to icevm....loving the speed and looks. I'll give fluxbox a try now.