Reformed Plant Murderer

Please please PLEASE check if plants are considered "invasive" before you plant. There are many out there that have severe implications to the environment because they're so easy to grow and people get sucked in by their ease.

Any type of climbing ivy, honeysuckle, bamboo even. They're pretty, but evil. This is a really detailed list of invasive plants. Kudzu's definitely on there:

And here's one specific to Canada:

And uh Bish, you never told me you were a member. Ever see my member page? I filled it up recently. :D

I just want to say that all of you are really great people. I truly enjoy these forums for the education and for the great conversation.

I'm a network administrator (aka geek) by day and a gardener by night. I also enjoy photography and publish most of my decent pictures on my website. Come visit me, I'd love to hear what you think!

My plant list:


New... Purchased at the NYIOS:
...Brassia Rex
...Lc. Morning Glory x self
...Lc. Memoria Robert Strait 'Blues'
...Phal Brother Goldsmith
...Cym 'Geyserland' (Valley King x Blue Smoke)

New... Neofinetia Falcata
New... Rhynchosytlis Coelestis
New... Cym Del Rosa 'Walt'

Potinara Memoria Shirley Moore 'Newberry'
C. intermedia var. aquinii 'Boa Vista'
Lc. Floralia's Azul 'Sandra' x L. anceps veitchiana 'Fort Caroline'
Lc. Haleakala Sunset x Lc. Orange Gem 'Delight'
Slc. California Apricot 'Orange Circle' HCC AOS x Lc. Trick or Treat 'Spring Jewel'
Pot. Burana Beauty 'Burana' AM/AOS (C. Netrasiri Beauty x Pot. Netrasiri Starbright)
Bc. Gilbert Winery x Lc. Helen Wilmer
Phal 'Warm Heart'
Dtps. King Shiang's Beauty (King Shiang's Coral x King Shiang's Rose)
Epi. Chimborazoensis
NOID White Phal
NOID Purple Phal

Spring bulbs:

Tulips planted in lawn: 50 purple, 50 orange, 20 white species
Tulips in containers: 50 Tulip Shirley, 50 Orange Favorite Parrots, 20 Tulipa Bakeri Lilac Wonder, 20 Tulipa Humilis Persian Pearl, 40 Darwin Yellow, 40 Red Emporer.
Mixed with tulips in containers: 20 Muscari Neglectum, 50 Anemone Blanda, 250 Crocus Species collection.

Lillies planted in lawn: 10 Asiatic Lily "Coral Sunrise", 10 Asiatic Lily "Lollipop", 10 Asiatic Lily "Pastel Mixed".

5 NOID Daylilies

House Plants:

2 Plumeria in pots grown from cuttings - one white with yellow inside and one apricot
2 Cyclamen - one white, one pink
1 Jade plant
1 Zebra plant
1 Aloe plant
4 African Violets (one pink/white, the rest baby blue)
Many varieties of coleus - orange, red, purple, red with yellow edging.
1 Ficus Sylvie
1 Dwarf Cavendish Banana Tree
1 Chinese evergreen
2 Variegated Spider Plants
1 Corn plant
1 Pointsettia

A proud customer of online vendors: (Exotic Orchids of Maui)

Please call me: Trish I live in: New York My zone is: Z7 NY

My birthday is on August 7th.

My favorite forum is Orchids.

Another favorite is Balcony Gardening.

You can visit my home page at: [size=-1]First registered on March 13, 2002.[/size]