Refreshen my memory ...


Well-Known Member
Today I was thinking Epicurus' point that you should retreat to the Garden to calm your dispositions, anger included, because the cause of anger is more than not other people and I got to thinking about all the people I don't like and why. Then I made a list. It's not too long, to be honest - not as long as I thought it was going to be :D .. so for the purpose of this list, if I don't like you, could you please let me know and remind me why?

Thanks. I'd appreciate that.


ps. crystal, you don't have to post anything here. I already know I don't like you.
You don't like me because.....


Oh wait, nevermind. We already talked about that years ago and you like me now. Or just mainly tolerate me. :D
*just rolls laughing*

Gonz .. You are by far my favorite Gonz in the whole world :)

greenie ... I don't think I ever didn't like you ... you're too cute not to like :)

paul and uki .. if you both like beer, we don't have a problem ;)

Rob .. you make pizza and love *real* coffee .. what's not to like? Also, there's a matter of a record you hold ... :O

Justin ... i got it, thanks .. can't respond just yet .. will do tomorrow...

Gato .. i did tell him that and he cocked a brow then laughed ... and added something about 'Yeah, I got your loadmaster right here' ... ;)

SL ... if you ever get around to sending that pizza, make sure to include Ranch Dressing and I'll love you forever!
You don't like me sometimes because of sibling rivalry and that whole mix up with the OTC soap opera...but in general you like me very much (or so I tell myself :D)
nalani said:
Gato .. i did tell him that and he cocked a brow then laughed ... and added something about 'Yeah, I got your loadmaster right here' ... ;)

Hmm...Tough talk from a guy who lays on his belly, and passes gas for a living. :D
You don't like me cause... Fuck, there was something, but I can't say I remember what.
nalani said:
*just rolls laughing*

paul and uki .. if you both like beer, we don't have a problem ;)

Well, Paul and Uki shouldn't be put together in a sentence, we're no longer together, therefore should be seperated in posts. I like beer, I like pizza, I like coffee, so we're all good.
Uki Chick said:
Well, Paul and Uki shouldn't be put together in a sentence, we're no longer together, therefore should be seperated in posts. I like beer, I like pizza, I like coffee, so we're all good.

Actually, I had no idea the two of you were together once-upon-a-time. It was brought to my attention in a PM ... so I apologize for that. I didn't put the two of you in the same sentence for any particular reason other than you two are the only ones I don't know well. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. You are now returned to your regularly scheduled posting.