
I am.

Should you choose to join me, all are welcome. There is no particular odrer I prefer yet Catholicism, Judaism and Islam are my special pet projects.

Believe. Disbelieve. You have been granted a gift; free will. Use it wisely. :biker:
Godzo strikes again ... better listen to him Squiggs. YHWH stands for Yaweh 'Herbert Walker' Holiness. Hes part of the holy trinity. The father: Paul 'Bear' Bryant, the son: GHW Bush ... and the holy spirit: (the 'duck and cover' cartoon turtle from the civil defense films of the 50s)
can you answer a question almighty? why is there suffering? are you not omnipotent? not omnsicient? do you care? or is it something else?
freako104 said:
can you answer a question almighty? why is there suffering? are you not omnipotent? not omnsicient? do you care? or is it something else?

All of the above ,but also a fucked-up sense of humour. :lloyd:
freak, my poor misguided child. It hurts me to see you like this. Read the words that the prophets brought forth. All the questions are answered. I care more than you could ever fathom, so deep is my love and compassion. Look at what you have right before your eyes. The sun brings forth light and warmth. The night, shade and coolness. You have been given air to breathe, water to drink, plants and animals to partake at your leisure. You have been given the greatest gift, life. I also passed on to you a special gift, women. What more could you ask? As many wise-men have discovered, my ways are mysteious to the tiny yet fertile mind of man. Do not question why. Question the unseen purpose. I would not lay the burden upon thee to smite. I bring forth strength. Accept and do not despair, for I watch and care. :biker:
freako104 said:
can you answer a question almighty? why is there suffering? are you not omnipotent? not omnsicient? do you care? or is it something else?
By our own free will and unnatendance to natural laws we attract suffering to us. As a sickness cause you pain, suffering is a form of telling us we're going from what is right and true. God could have created us perfect and thus immune to suffering. But what merit would we have in that perfection? We must learn about things on the universe, work for its functioning, and learn while we do. Suffering indicates we went in wrong direction...
freak, my poor misguided child. It hurts me to see you like this. Read the words that the prophets brought forth. All the questions are answered. I care more than you could ever fathom, so deep is my love and compassion. Look at what you have right before your eyes. The sun brings forth light and warmth. The night, shade and coolness. You have been given air to breathe, water to drink, plants and animals to partake at your leisure. You have been given the greatest gift, life. I also passed on to you a special gift, women. What more could you ask? As many wise-men have discovered, my ways are mysteious to the tiny yet fertile mind of man. Do not question why. Question the unseen purpose. I would not lay the burden upon thee to smite. I bring forth strength. Accept and do not despair, for I watch and care. :biker:

Prove it.
freak, my poor misguided child. It hurts me to see you like this. Read the words that the prophets brought forth. All the questions are answered. I care more than you could ever fathom, so deep is my love and compassion. Look at what you have right before your eyes. The sun brings forth light and warmth. The night, shade and coolness. You have been given air to breathe, water to drink, plants and animals to partake at your leisure. You have been given the greatest gift, life. I also passed on to you a special gift, women. What more could you ask? As many wise-men have discovered, my ways are mysteious to the tiny yet fertile mind of man. Do not question why. Question the unseen purpose. I would not lay the burden upon thee to smite. I bring forth strength. Accept and do not despair, for I watch and care. :biker:

then it is because evil exsits? i do enjoy life(if you are omniscient you know this already ;)) all i need of a woman is a gf. havent had one since i was 19. i miss being loved
Dear God, how do I know you're not really a pink fluffy unicorn with halitosis?

And may I take a look at your pants?
Thulsa Doom said:
well can you imagine him walking around with just boxers on?
All I know is, if I was God, I'd walk around naked. Who would dare laugh?