remember Mario Bros ??


5 brushing teeth smilies!

:brush: :brush: :brush: :brush: :brush:

While we're on the subject of Mario bros...this is a blog entry I wrote over the's true...

"Like most people, I had a video game system growing up, mine was a Super Nintendo.

This morning I have proven how much those things really do influence the minds of young children and how they carry those influences into adult life.

So, I'm driving back home after dropping my mom off at work and there is a banana peel in the lane off to the left. What do I do? Shift to the right to avoid hitting it and thus avoid spinning out OF COURSE! The weird thing is I didn't even THINK about it, I just did it and immediately afterwards I thought "Damn Mariokart". For those of you who are not familiar...Mario Kart is a game where you are one of many mario characters and you race in little go karts and must avoid certain obstacles (one being a banana peel) and pick up others throughout your race. I LOVED that game (I'm talking about the old-school original btw, never played the new one) and now I can see it affecting my driving in real life. How fucked up is THAT? Maybe I should use it as an excuse to go back to bed and not to work?"
That was my first game addiction. I remember how proud I was the first time I found that 'cheat' on level 3 I think where there were those really tall steps and if you waited till the black shell lookin thing came down and timed it just right, you could bounce on top of it endlessly, earning free life after free life. And when I told a friend of mine about it, so proud of myself, he said, "Duh! Everyone knows about that!" :shrug: