Remember Tab?

simplyred said:
I'm supposed to steer clear of NutraSweet. Tab was the only diet drink made without it, but for the longest was hard to find around here. Now Coke make a diet with Splenda. I haven't had it. Never seen Tab Xtra

A lot of things are made with splenda now. There's a Nestea Zero here that's sweetened with splenda (0 calories) as well as a whole like of Minute Maid Light juices sweetened with splenda. I don't generally drink cola of any kind so I haven't had the Coke Zero but I do enjoy the SPrite Zero (which is also sweetend with splenda).
unclehobart said:
...I'll stick with a flavor accented seltzer. 0 calories and no funky aftertaste that resembles envelope glue.

Would that be like flavoured fizzy water?? If so I love that stuff. But, all the ones around here have aspartame which I assume is what Red has to stay away from...
Nixy said:
A lot of things are made with splenda now. There's a Nestea Zero here that's sweetened with splenda (0 calories) as well as a whole like of Minute Maid Light juices sweetened with splenda. I don't generally drink cola of any kind so I haven't had the Coke Zero but I do enjoy the SPrite Zero (which is also sweetend with splenda).

Oh the Coke Zero suuuuuuuucks, IMO. Lots of things are starting to be made with Splenda now, but back in the day Tab was it. I guess I just grew a taste for it. So, now I really really like it.