envelope glue>Tab.SouthernN'Proud said:Tab or envelope glue?
simplyred said:I'm supposed to steer clear of NutraSweet. Tab was the only diet drink made without it, but for the longest was hard to find around here. Now Coke make a diet with Splenda. I haven't had it. Never seen Tab Xtra
unclehobart said:...I'll stick with a flavor accented seltzer. 0 calories and no funky aftertaste that resembles envelope glue.
Nixy said:A lot of things are made with splenda now. There's a Nestea Zero here that's sweetened with splenda (0 calories) as well as a whole like of Minute Maid Light juices sweetened with splenda. I don't generally drink cola of any kind so I haven't had the Coke Zero but I do enjoy the SPrite Zero (which is also sweetend with splenda).