Remember Terry


molṑn labé
Staff member
The slope has begun getting steep.

Citing the boy's grave condition and testimony from medical experts who said there was nothing more they could do, Superior Court Judge Marilyn Moores issued the order over the objections of Hamad's mother, Tiwanna Sanda. The judge also issued a "do not resuscitate" order.

A judge ordered life support removed Friday from a 5-month-old Indianapolis boy with a severe head injury that investigators say was caused by abuse.

Reading the article, one source mind you, it looks like this woman should not be the legal guardian of the child. As of now, though, she is and should have the final say. Once custody is removed, the new legal guardian should make the decision. It's likely the kid will end up a ward of the state, then a ward of God.
Should or should not is to be decided by due process. It has not & as of now, the bench has, once again, overstepped its authority.
*the wind winds it's lonely path down the slippery slope as those who think this wouldn't be the eventual outcome ignore this thread & hope it, and others like it, go away*
Gonz said:
Should or should not is to be decided by due process. It has not & as of now, the bench has, once again, overstepped its authority.
"The agency took custody of the baby Sept. 26, four days after he was brought to the Methodist Hospital emergency room with a skull fracture and brain injury."

The state did take custody.
Reading this..the bench at least took it to the medical board of the hospital for ideas and for final decision. Whether that's overstepping...I don't know.

BTW. Your last post, Gonz.
Simply poetic and well written!
The agency took custody

Agencies should not be granted any form of police power. Because of feel good legislation at both the federal & state levels, they have been, violating Constitutional limit to,and, granting of, powers. Violating due process.
Why would Terry Schiavo's case have been the beginning of anything?

You talk about this "slippery slope" as if these decisions were not taken with great regularity before that particular, messy case. A daily occurrence.
Bobby Hogg said:
Why would Terry Schiavo's case have been the beginning of anything?

You talk about this "slippery slope" as if these decisions were not taken with great regularity before that particular, messy case. A daily occurrence.
Or have anything whatsoever to do with this case?
Gonz said:
Agencies should not be granted any form of police power. Because of feel good legislation at both the federal & state levels, they have been, violating Constitutional limit to,and, granting of, powers. Violating due process.
I don't know about the USA, but up's the cops who take the kid and give it to Child Services...often based on evidence gained through their own investigations and help from said agencies. Hosptals are also required to report suspitious deaths or injuries to the cops first.