Remember you home phone number?

Not only do I remember my home phone number... I also remember my cell number. You won't believe how many people don't even know their cell number... "I don't know, I never call it."
Two-thirds said they relied on their phone or electronic organizer to remember key dates.

Shameful. I'd hate to think I needed a palm pilot to live. Maybe if they weren't so busy remembering passwords and how to use these damn gizmos they could remember something important.
Technology dependency at the mental level is the doom of mankind. In a few hundred years, most people will be dumb.

Not saying that most people aren't dumb in this era thou.
I always forget Rob and I's anniversary. It's either February 24th or 26th. It's confusing because my Mother's birthday is January 24th and Rob's birthday is May 26th.
It's okay though because Rob can't remember which it is either and he doesn't have as good of an excuse.
Shameful. I'd hate to think I needed a palm pilot to live. Maybe if they weren't so busy remembering passwords and how to use these damn gizmos they could remember something important.
I love my palm. I use it for many, many things including as an address book. I can call any of my siblings from memory, however I keep them in speed dial because it's easier to dial. That said, Einstein said to never memorize anything that's written down.

Technology dependency at the mental level is the doom of mankind. In a few hundred years, most people will be dumb.

Not saying that most people aren't dumb in this era thou.
In a few hundred years many people will be dumber.

that was my number in the home I grew up in as a kid

I had too many as a child to remember. I do remember my Phillipines phone number had only 5 digits and I thought that was cool.
My mom still has the same number that we had every since I was 8 years old. I don't remember our number from before that.

I do know my house number, my personal cell number, my work cell number and the main phone number at work (I am currently working on memorizing my "direct dial" number at work but I don't give it out all the often because I give most people I deal with my cell, since it forwards to my office when I'm there).
I had too many as a child to remember. I do remember my Phillipines phone number had only 5 digits and I thought that was cool.

20 years ago, phone numbers in Morelia were 5 digits (plus 2, area code), then they were 6 (plus 1), and now 7 with 3 digits for area codes. We just ran out of numbers too fast.
I still remember birthdates ... and I remember all old numbers before this whole cell phone thing took over the world ... but I can't for the life of me remember any new numbers after that :D
If only I could recall my cell phone number. It has very low priority so I have ot use the MY NUMBER feature on my phone-every time.
I still remember everything my first crush did,
from second grade til senior year!

Gawd she's still smokin' hawt even today!!!

Oh Renee, we coulda been so good together *sniff*