Reputation Points??

That's like going through life eating nothing but chocolate, and drinking nothing but Coke. It might seem great, but you miss out on the grilled salmon, filet minon, beer, coffee, etc.
Professur said:
That's like going through life eating nothing but chocolate, and drinking nothing but Coke. It might seem great, but you miss out on the grilled salmon, filet minon, beer, coffee, etc.

no dude, it means eating ALL that and not thinking "I will need to diet tomorrow"
Professur said:
That's like going through life eating nothing but chocolate, and drinking nothing but Coke. It might seem great, but you miss out on the grilled salmon, filet minon, beer, coffee, etc.

It's a matter of priorities changing and wanting to experience the finer things in life.
Uki Chick said:
It's a matter of priorities changing and wanting to experience the finer things in life.

thta is not growing up, that is living, growing up is wanting to be mature and own things, to keep up with the jones, grownups "fit in" and drive beemers and have ulsers

I would prefer to live for today, and be happy, than live for tomorrow and be miserable
Not just the finer things. Baser things too. Riding out the night in a tent trailer in a gale isn't what I'd call fine, but I'd not change the experience.
So valaru is advocating remaining immature and irresponsible
and we already knew Prof is an old fuddy-duddy.

I think it is Alpha that is the one that’s on the cusp of deciding
which way to go…
paul_valaru said:
thta is not growing up, that is living, growing up is wanting to be mature and own things, to keep up with the jones, grownups "fit in" and drive beemers and have ulsers

I would prefer to live for today, and be happy, than live for tomorrow and be miserable

Paul, if that's all you can see in life, my friend, you have my pity. We, my family, live for today, tomorrow, and every other day. Living for tomorrow doesn't, and shouldn't mean sacraficing today. I'm gonna haul our asses 1200 miles south for a vacation that we're gonna be remembering for the rest of our lives. I live not only in my life, but in my wife's and children's too. Not only do I get the pleasure of my own experience, but that of theirs too.
paul_valaru said:
thta is not growing up, that is living, growing up is wanting to be mature and own things, to keep up with the jones, grownups "fit in" and drive beemers and have ulsers

I would prefer to live for today, and be happy, than live for tomorrow and be miserable

I'm 38.

I consider myself mature.

I own things. Hundreds of CDs, thousands of LPs, a mortgage, a collection of Stephen King books, some Captain Crunch cereal, a basset hound named Elvis whom I adore and feel a reciprocal relationship exists, and a length of baling twine are among them.

I have no desire to keep up with the Jonses or anyone else.

I fit in to my clothes, my bed, my vehicle, most doors, and many amusement park rides.

I do not drive a BMW. I drive a 9 year old 4X4 pickup truck with a dent in the rear quarter panel from when I got too frisky on a mountain road.

I do not have an ulcer.

So where in the continuum do I fall? :D
Winky said:
So valaru is advocating remaining immature and irresponsible
and we already knew Prof is an old fuddy-duddy.

he isn't one, and I am not advocating that, I am advocating living you life for today, cause tomorrow you could be dead.

Just saying the "grown-up" things don't appeal to me, big houses, fancy cars (and yes when people say grown-up that is what I envision) working 14 hours a day so you could afford to keep up appearences.

Iwould prefer a small place, and good friends
Professur said:
Paul, if that's all you can see in life, my friend, you have my pity. We, my family, live for today, tomorrow, and every other day. Living for tomorrow doesn't, and shouldn't mean sacraficing today. I'm gonna haul our asses 1200 miles south for a vacation that we're gonna be remembering for the rest of our lives. I live not only in my life, but in my wife's and children's too. Not only do I get the pleasure of my own experience, but that of theirs too.

to a lot of people it does, save up for the golden years....

hauling ass 1200 miles sounds like a great plan, hell I already have my next 5 vacations planned montreal, wedding montreal, wedding montreal, wedding (usher at all 3 so no choice) Vegas, mexico.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I'm 38.

I consider myself mature.

I own things. Hundreds of CDs, thousands of LPs, a mortgage, a collection of Stephen King books, some Captain Crunch cereal, a basset hound named Elvis whom I adore and feel a reciprocal relationship exists, and a length of baling twine are among them.

I have no desire to keep up with the Jonses or anyone else.

I fit in to my clothes, my bed, my vehicle, most doors, and many amusement park rides.

I do not drive a BMW. I drive a 9 year old 4X4 pickup truck with a dent in the rear quarter panel from when I got too frisky on a mountain road.

I do not have an ulcer.

So where in the continuum do I fall? :D

as someone who is not stressed about being grown up

sorry people I see mature and grown up as too diffrent things...mature is fine grown up...sounds like you have done all your growing, because you have



no where left to go, time to stagnate
paul_valaru said:
hauling ass 1200 miles sounds like a great plan, hell I already have my next 5 vacations planned montreal, wedding montreal, wedding montreal, wedding (usher at all 3 so no choice)

they chose a good usher. someone who doesn't believe in marriage or the whole concept of growing up. sorry!