request for prayers/good thoughts/anything... two close friends in the hospital...


New Member
two people i'm close to were in a car accident earlier. one of them was my boyriend (josh) and the other one is a good friend who's been living at my house for a couple months now (rich).
apparantly the car malfunctioned somehow, and josh lost control and hit a truck parked on the side of the road.
he and rich were taken to shock trauma at University of Maryland hospital... which is a damned good hospital.
a number of phonecalls, worries, and tears later, my dad was driving me up to the hospital to visit.
josh's family was already there, and rich's family was on their way.
so i went up to visit...

the last i saw, which was around 5pm EDT, was as follows:

josh: aside from some lascerations and broken bones/cartilage in his face, he was fine, no serious injuries. he was talkative and joked with me and his family(especially about how "great" and "trendy" he looked with blood and gauze all over his face). he was pretty much just waiting to have his lacerations sewn up, last i saw of him.

rich: the more injured of the two. "serious but stable condition" was the last description i heard of him. which is tons better than what it could be. i have to admit that. i didn't get to visit with him, really, because i am not family or a girlfriend, and his dad and sister didn't really seem to know what was happening either. but rich's very good friend, merlyn, has connections with someone who works in that unit of the hospital, and told me a couple of hours ago that rich is almost definitely not brain damaged.

i left the hospital with much a sense of hope... i really believe that they are both going to be just fine.

but please, any prayers or good thoughts or anything like that, please send them to josh and rich.
because they're two excellent people... and two of my closest friends.
also pray for their families... because they're, understandably, pretty distraught.

thanks... and i'll keep this updated.
they'll be in my prayers tonight too. good luck and thank goodness it's not worse than it could have been.
Life threatening or not, they both still have some pain and recovery to deal with. I'll be thinking of them.
A quick prayer for a fast recovery and a Dr. with a skilled hand with the sutures :D

SO mote it be!
Re: request for prayers/good thoughts/anything... two close friends in the hospital..

best wishes to them ash. :hug:
Re: request for prayers/good thoughts/anything... two close friends in the hospital..

My thoughts and prayers are winging their way across the Atlantic as I type! :kiss: 's for both of them.
thanks guys!
josh is home, i'm talking to him online now!
but rich is still at the hospital. last i heard, about an hour ago, he has broken bones in his face and possible nerve damage. they did some surgery today. i don't know any more details beyond that. but yeah, it's DEFINITELY not as bad as it could have been.
thanks again
:( Sorry to hear that, ash. You are right, be thankful it wasn't worse than it was. Send them my wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
Re: request for prayers/good thoughts/anything... two close friends in the hospital..

Best wishes for a speedy recovery for your friends, Ash!
Bad news, but it sounds like those two lads have been relatively lucky.....hope healing goes smoothly and as pain-free as poss :)