Restaurant pet peeves

i can deal with bad service. everyone has an off day. i just dont over-tip them, like i am prone to do. if i get consistently bad service someplace, thats another story.

that "happy birthday" stuff annoys me too. we avoid the places that are the worst offenders. (bugaboo creek)
chcr said:
Thousand Island dressing on a Rueben. The philistines!!!!
*Wonders if it would upset Tonks to know I prefer brown mustard to the requisite Russian dressing*

I think every restaraunt should have blocking hardware for cell phones. My biggest pet peeve is bad service though. Number two is automatically adding the tip. I understand why, but I don't like it.
...brown mustard is acceptable...makes sense for the meat involved...however weird.
tonksy said:
Did you say BLT?
yes, I'm weak, specially when it comes to bacon. *sigh*

I can usually delude myself into pretending it isn't what it really is if it's crispy enough.
Leslie said:
yes, I'm weak, specially when it comes to bacon. *sigh*

I can usually delude myself into pretending it isn't what it really is if it's crispy enough.

Now Les, ya GOTTA get that bacon all chewey and greasy. Almost rubber consistency. It's even better if there's stuff just drippin' off it, and ya get it in yer teeth and hafta pull it apart. Then it snaps alittle and droops down over your fork...yeah, that's heaven.

Parents who don't control their kids. A medium noise level is expected at a place like TGIF but kids screaming and running down the aisles at an upscale restaurant makes me contemplate bodily harm.

Getting an appetizer at the same time as the meal or not getting the appetizer at all. I guess that goes along with bad service.

Cleanliness. I don't define clean as wiping the crumbs off the table onto the chair cushions.

I was a waitress for a while, and a terrible one at that. Anyone who has been there knows that it's damn hard and damn tiring, especially when you first start. I couldn't do it. I have the utmost respect for those who do it well, and tip them accordingly. I've never walked out without leaving any tip at all.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Now Les, ya GOTTA get that bacon all chewey and greasy. Almost rubber consistency. It's even better if there's stuff just drippin' off it, and ya get it in yer teeth and hafta pull it apart. Then it snaps alittle and droops down over your fork...yeah, that's heaven.

:sick: I have these godawful childhood memories of not cooked enough bacon and it getting stuck in our throats, mom ending up reaching in and pulling it out. :sick:
SouthernN'Proud said:
5. If your establishment insists on banging plates together en masse to chant "happy happy birthday" to more than one patron during my meal, prepare for decapitation.

That's mine. I came to enjoy a meal and the company of the people with whom I came. I'm not here to listen to your unenthusiastic (or over-enthusiastic) and tone-deaf staff bellow a song(?) to someone who happens to have a birthday.

My wife and friends also know that to subject me to that on my birthday carries extraordinarily stiff penalties, sometimes ranging to the physical.
Don't mind people on cell-phones any more than people talking to each other, really. As long as they're not too loud. But then, some people are too loud talking to each other too.. Teenagers who sit there sharing whatever polyphonic crap they just downloaded with friend should be nailed to the wall and used as target for those misbehaving kids who like to mess with food.

I like it clean. Clean where I eat. Clean restrooms. Someone once said you could judge the cleanliness of a restaurants kitchen by the cleanliness of the restroom.
I like cooked food to actually be warm when it's served. I like the pop to actually have bubbles in it. Either put on some proper music, or just keep it quiet.

Can't think of anything else at the moment.
1. Unclean premises --- tables, floors, restrooms, silverware, glasses, aprons
2. Cell phones
3. Misbehaving children
4. Non-existent service --- to show my displeasure, I've been known to leave 3 pennies as a tip. I do that to let the "server" know that I didn't just forget to leave something --- and that I didn't appreciate the lack of service. I understand slow when the place is busy, but when the tables are mostly empty, there is no excuse.
TexasRaceLady said:
4. Non-existent service --- to show my displeasure, I've been known to leave 3 pennies as a tip. I do that to let the "server" know that I didn't just forget to leave something --- and that I didn't appreciate the lack of service. I understand slow when the place is busy, but when the tables are mostly empty, there is no excuse.

mum does that one (cept she only leaves one penny). I, on the other hand, worked in the hospitality industry, and I've no qualms about calling for the manager. Or the owner. Or the inspector.
One thing I really hate is when the waiter returns to the table 47 seconds into the meal, precisely as I'm biting into my second morsel, to ask how everything is. I usually have to finish chewing to spit out a quick "everything's great" (regardless of the quality) just to get rid of him. I'm sorry, but I don't go to restaurants to engage in lengthy discourse with the waitstaff. (Same with a salesperson in a clothing store.) Please just leave me alone. Unless you spit in my food or are blatantly rude, I'm going to leave you a nice tip anyway. :rolleyes:
BeardofPants said:
There's this one waitress who works at a restaurant that we sometimes go to, and she has this kinda prima donna "look at me" thing going on. It seems like every time I see her, she's running around having really loud conversations with her friends instead of doing her fucking job. :mad:

Prof? We don't tip over here. We actually pay our wait staff a decent wage. :shrug: It's a worthwhile trade-off IMO. I've never understood why people want subservience in their wait-staff. :alienhuh: As long as they get my order right, and aren't running around screaming at their friends, I don't care if they're kissing my feet or not. :shrug:
The whole idea of tipping was 2 fold. One, to reward good service, (not subservience). But more importantly, because once upon a time, tips weren't taxable. Sort of like a commission for a good salesman. Now, they have to be declared, which more or less defeats the purpose.
TexasRaceLady said:
1. Unclean premises --- tables, floors, restrooms, silverware, glasses, aprons
2. Cell phones
3. Misbehaving children
4. Non-existent service


a few other things that drive me insane:

1. Waiting (if I have to stand in line for 45 mins for a seat and then 30 mins. for my food to get there i'm not likely to come back or tip).
2. Over or under cooked food.
3. No drink refills (or bottle drinks) excluding alchol.
4. No close parking areas, i'm talking with-in one or two city blocks.
5. Cleaning a near by area with harsh smelling chemical while i'm trying to eat.
6. The building being way to hot or to cold.
HomeLAN said:
That's mine. I came to enjoy a meal and the company of the people with whom I came. I'm not here to listen to your unenthusiastic (or over-enthusiastic) and tone-deaf staff bellow a song(?) to someone who happens to have a birthday.

My wife and friends also know that to subject me to that on my birthday carries extraordinarily stiff penalties, sometimes ranging to the physical.
I was going to take Christina out to lunch on her birthday and she begged and pleaded with me and made me promise not to mention to the server that it was her birthday. Of course, the day of, she changed her mind and had me pick up Subway and bring it to her place. I asked if she did that so I wouldn't mention to the server that it's her birthday and she said no... but I'm still suspicious.