Restaurant pet peeves

I think it was my 17th birthday when I went to a Swensen's ice cream shoppe with a couple of friends, and silently walked away mid-song as a few waiters serenaded me at the table. Around 10 minutes later, I returned and ate my ice cream. Needless to say, that never happened again.
I can't stand charging for refills, or ice in drinks. What don't they understand? The soda is cold enough when it comes out of the machine. It does not need ice. Even if it needed ice, it should get no more than four ice cubes. They fill the cup up with ice, then add soda into the gaps. Not only does it make it too cold, which is fine, but you finish it very quickly because a) there's like 3 ounces of soda and b) if you wait for the ice to melt, the soda tastes like water.

They pull that shit, then charge when you want a refill. Don't give me ice and I won't ask for a refill.

Then it pisses me off when they take the plates away. Sometimes it's alright, other times they grab it if you stop shovelling food into your mouth for more than 30 seconds. And it's the same waiter where you had the empty glass (well, the glass of ice) sitting on the table for a half hour and asked them twice for a refill.
Inkara1 said:
I specifically ask for no ice and it's about 50/50 that they heed the request.

When I ask for no ice (which I only do if they don't offer free refills) and they bring it with ice I send it back and get one with no ice. I'm NOT paying $2 or so for 3oz of iced tea.
tonksy said:
Blame the cook, not the establishment.

Well, if I hadn't seen this very thing done at more than one WH ...

That said, I eat there. I like it there. They've received a lot of my money. Even worse, I'm one of those customers who can put two or three dollars into the jukebox and play all of those Waffle House records. :D

It takes a lot to sour me on a restaurant. Food poisoning or mystery ingredients are about the only things that can keep me from coming back.
catocom said:
I hate when all the waitresses insist on wearing clothes.

there was a topless biker bar here in Phoenix in the mid-70's and all the gurls kept their tops off all the time

I was 16 and needless to say 'IT ROCKED'

eh hem oh right this was aboot restaurants n/m
mondomondo said:
I'm one of those customers who can put two or three dollars into the jukebox and play all of those Waffle House records. :D
One of those, eh?
Beyond the raisin toast song those are the most horrible monstrosities ever recorded.
I almost miss it...almost. I made excellent cash in tips but I have a very thin skin for idiots and there seem to be so many out there.
Shit... I just checked and there's no Waffle House in Wichita. Looks like we need a new location for the BBQ.
tonksy said:
I have a very thin skin for idiots and there seem to be so many out there.

Ahh, something we have in common. My philosophy of life (regardless of whom I'm speaking with at the moment): Everyone's an idiot except for me and you and I frequently wonder about you. It works fairly well as long as I don't actually say it to Dara. :lloyd:
I think I'll adopt your philosophy...except I don't wonder about Rob...well, I do...but I don't wonder about his intelligence.