restaurants that suxx0r rant


Not really Banned
i'm really sick of overpriced, trendy restaurants that people rave over because they're this, that, or the other thing, when in reality they're lousy dumps. tonite we went out to this authentic German place for my uncle's 40th birthday, he had a blast which is what counts but other than that the evening was a waste. everyone drove at least an hour to get to this place that is so far out in the sticks that we stopped and checked a map because we thought we had missed it. we get there and the place looks like a 3.2 bar, the front door is a battered white door my mom thought was a service door. not being one to judge a book by its cover, i kept an open mind. we had reserved a _room_, that ended up being the far side of the bar. my brothers got refills from the bartender because our waitress never came by, and when i did catch her to order a beer i waited another half hour for them to swap kegs, at which point i got a nice WARM beer instead of the frosty cold one i so desperately wanted. my food was decent, but IMO not worth half the nearly $20 it cost. with the exception of the bar, which must have been new, the place was a filthy dump and to top it off the accordion player didn't stop playing from the time we got there to the time we left.


so where has everyone else been that i should steer clear of or make a point to eat at? Famous Dave's BBQ is a great place, especially if you go to one with live blues 7 nights a week. buca de beppa (or whatever it's called), and IHOP top my list of chains to avoid.
Last time I took Brandi to Outback, my food was good (albeit expensive, but all steakhouses seem to be) and the service was, like, perfect. The waitress was gone while we ate, but it seemed like every time I had one or two sips of my drink left to go, she was right there with a new glass. That's one of only two times ever I was compelled to tip 20 percent (the other was at the Elephant Bar, when this waitress named Jenn and I were flirting with each other the whole time. Brandi didn't like it much, but I did :D).

I'm as yet to try IHOP's breakfast fare, but their lunch and dinner fare isn't very good at all.
outback steakhouse is expensive, but the food and the service are great. i have never had a problem there that went unresolved. that is the test of a restaurant - their customer service. i don't eat there often, as it is pricy, but i enjoy when i go. i used to be in the restaurant business and i reconize its professionalism. and the coconut shrimp are divine...
I've been too many places that left me wishing I'd gone hungry instead...But I have to say that the Jack Astor's in Barrie, On. was really great. I don't know if they are all as good (its a chain) or if this one was superier to the others , but...Good food...good prices.... EXCELLENT service...and its perfect whether you're entertaining young children or a hot date....:D Thanks Les. :hug:
tonks said:
two words. doggie bag. then you can have lunch the next day!

Yeah, but I've found most often I ask for the take-home bag and it makes it to the car. Makes it in the house (most often, anyway, if we're not fndrnk). Makes it in the refridgerator.

And there it sits.

Until it's thrown out.

I've found that most food brought home from restaurants simply doesn't reheat very well - making for ... I suppose it just kind of seems like mush. I guess it all depends on what kind of food it is, too, though ...
Rose said:
Yeah, but I've found most often I ask for the take-home bag and it makes it to the car. Makes it in the house (most often, anyway, if we're not fndrnk). Makes it in the refridgerator.

And there it sits.

Until it's thrown out.

I've found that most food brought home from restaurants simply doesn't reheat very well - making for ... I suppose it just kind of seems like mush. I guess it all depends on what kind of food it is, too, though ...
not in my house. leftovers mean i don't have to bother fixing breakfast in the morning. mmmm, cold pizza at 8am.
You're like my fiancee. He eats day or two old pizza straight out of the fridge without pre-heating it. I can't do that....
My wife made Fried Chicken last night and she takes that to work and eats it the next day. Cold. Yuck.
Now Pizza I can do, not all the time, but it's ok. Cold Chicken is just wrong to me. I don't even like Chicken Salads with cold chicken on them.
i'll eat most anything straight out of the fridge, unless it has solidified grease chunks in it, that's nasty
What's disgusting to me is cold oatmeal. That has to be hot....I want to see the steam rising out of it before I eat it
CydCharisse said:
What's disgusting to me is cold oatmeal. That has to be hot....I want to see the steam rising out of it before I eat it
good lord! why would anyone eat cold oatmeal? gross.
Cold pizza ,Chicken I have no problem with ,in fact I'll even drink coffee thats been sittng in the pot and has gotten cold until the next day.Hate to get back on topic,but I always give restaurants a couple visits before giving them a thumbs down,so far the only reason I've found not to go back is "too pricey" or "not enough menu choices".I've had great experiences at Restaurants and been told afterward by friends that they've been there and would never go back because of "a" bad visit.